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Wasss guud?

13 Replies

If u could have one super power what would it be and why Asad_15_

Go back in time and give the snakes parents a plastic sock

I_XxMOMOxX_I replied 2025 days ago

If u could turn back time what would u do?
In the past Asad_15_

Realise that all the theories where actually true.

I_XxMOMOxX_I replied 2084 days ago

Whats your biggest put off? Zuraida_ganie11

People chewing loudly or with their mouths open.
Posers (especially "gamers" and peeps who wear skate products but don't skate ;Thrasher and so on)
Hypebeasts who wear fakes.
Fakes in general.
And there's a whole lot more but I think this is enough!

I_XxMOMOxX_I replied 2094 days ago

Do you sleep with socks?! 👩 Zuraida_ganie11

Yes and I love putting my socks in ice cold water before that!!!

I_XxMOMOxX_I replied 2094 days ago 3

Opinion on people who drop out of school ? Zuraida_ganie11

Heh you do you I guess

I_XxMOMOxX_I replied 2094 days ago

Song to best describe you right now?

No Fun by joji

I_XxMOMOxX_I replied 2094 days ago 1

What are your hobbies?

Art (graphite only, colour is for loosers)
Tricking (kinda)

I_XxMOMOxX_I replied 2094 days ago

Describe a perfect moment

adjective: perfect
having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.
"life certainly isn't perfect at the moment"
synonyms: ideal, model, without fault, faultless, flawless, consummate, quintessential, exemplary, best, best-example, ultimate, copybook More
"there is no such thing as the perfect family"
superb, exquisite, superlative, excellent, wonderful, marvellous, beautiful, sublime, magnificent, idyllic, blissful, utopian;
unrivalled, unequalled, matchless, unparalleled, beyond compare, without equal, second to none, too good to be true, unmatched, incomparable, nonpareil, peerless, inimitable, unexcelled, unsurpassed, unsurpassable;
informalout of this world, terrific, fantastic, fabulous, great, super, heavenly, glorious, gorgeous, stellar, divine, phenomenal, sensational, dreamy, fab, fabby, fantabulous, awesome, to die for, magic, ace;
informalbrilliant, brill, bosting;
rareunexampled, indefectible
"it was a perfect holiday"
free from any flaw or defect in condition or quality; faultless.
"the equipment was in perfect condition"
synonyms: flawless, mint, as good as new, pristine, impeccable, immaculate, superb, superlative, optimum, prime, optimal, peak, excellent, faultless, as sound as a bell, unspoiled, unblemished, undamaged, spotless, unmarred, unimpaired; More
informaltip-top, A1
"an E-type Jaguar in perfect condition"
precisely accurate; exact.
"a perfect circle"
synonyms: exact, precise, accurate, faithful, correct, unerring, right, close, true, strict; More
informalspot on;
informalon the money
"a perfect copy"
antonyms: imperfect, faulty, defective
highly suitable for someone or something; exactly right.
"with a little help you can create a room that is perfect for you"
synonyms: ideal, just right, right, appropriate, fitting, fit, suitable, apt, made to order, tailor-made; More
informalspot on, just the job
"the perfect Christmas present for golfers everywhere"
thoroughly trained in or conversant with.
"she was perfect in French"
absolute; complete (used for emphasis).
"a perfect stranger"
synonyms: absolute, complete, total, real, out-and-out, thorough, thoroughgoing, downright, utter, sheer, consummate, unmitigated, unqualified, veritable, in every respect, unalloyed; More
"she felt a perfect idiot"
(of a number) equal to the sum of its positive divisors, e.g. the number 6, whose divisors (1, 2, 3) also add up to 6.
(of a tense) denoting a completed action or a state or habitual action which began in the past. The perfect tense is formed in English with have or has and the past participle, as in they have eaten and they have been eating ( present perfect ), they had eaten ( past perfect ), and they will have eaten ( future perfect ).
(of a flower) having both stamens and carpels present and functional.
denoting the stage or state of a fungus in which the $exually produced spores are formed.
(of an insect) fully adult and (typically) winged.
verb: perfect; 3rd person present: perfects; past tense: perfected; past participle: perfected; gerund or present participle: perfecting
make (something) completely free from faults or defects; make as good as possible.
"he's busy perfecting his bowling technique"
synonyms: improve, make perfect, bring to perfection, better, polish (up), burnish, hone, refine, consummate, put the finishing/final touches to, ameliorate, brush up, fine-tune; raremeliorate
"he's busy perfecting his bowling technique"
bring to completion; finish.
"then urg'd, she perfects her illustrious toils"
complete (a printed sheet of paper) by printing the second side.
"the heap was normally printed as white paper in the morning, turned at the midday break, and perfected in the afternoon"
satisfy the necessary conditions or requirements for the transfer of (a gift, title, etc.).
"equity will not perfect an imperfect gift"
noun: perfect
the perfect tense.

Middle English: from Old French perfet, from Latin perfectus ‘completed’, from the verb perficere, from per- ‘through, completely’ + facere ‘do’.

I_XxMOMOxX_I replied 2094 days ago 9


Nah my battle ship ain't there mate. 😒

I_XxMOMOxX_I replied 2094 days ago

Would you ever give your gf (future or now) a chance to browse ur phone

NI🅱️🅱️AS be asking.
Firstly man's single and sure i got non to hide.
Atleast I thinks😑😅

I_XxMOMOxX_I replied 2094 days ago

Got some interesting information regards Katherine

Snow of the Price 🤔

I_XxMOMOxX_I replied 2094 days ago

What would you use to describe your best friend(s)

If we talking about mass I'll use Killograms, if we talking about height I'll use metres.

I_XxMOMOxX_I replied 2095 days ago

Would you jump off a building knowing that you gonna break alot of your bones and probably never recover for millions ?

Nah fam.

I_XxMOMOxX_I replied 2095 days ago