Alexandra Welkovics
My hot photos look here ue4t3. tk anniez7923
No thanks ?⚠️⚠️
What is the longest running lie you have continued to tell?
That Im ok
What is the longest running lie you have continued to tell?
I did my tegnology group projecy at school
(Did not but i did it beacuse the other people did not want to help and we ran oit of time)
Brag about yourself. What are you really good at doing?
Sorry about this but
im really good at school
Was very good about gymnastics
What misconception about you would you like to clear up ?
I am not a btch for being honest
And I am not just a smart girl
And im not rude for saying no
That is to everyone your beautiful and uniqe
I love sending pics ;) nicolep8753
No thanks
What misconception about you would you like to clear up ?
Im not a brat
I'm rarely here, my complete profile here paolaaw774
No thank u
Hi wanna see my $ex photo karrieed599
No thanks
message me when you're free brenda7l981
No thanks but *stop this sht with the links*
My collection of hot videos here andrea7x656
Please stop this sht
Best dating service GOGO! vivianam6724
No thanks
What thing did you do that ruined a relationship/s?
Over protective
Why do you think people like/hate you?
Idk ask them ?
The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?
Start kicking and screaming
What's something you fell in love with instantly?
who do you like
Dm me maybe I'll tell you ?
What is the happiest thing that has happened to you in the past 24 hours?
Someone said he liked me and that I am beautiful
Best friend?
I don't have one at the moment she left me (and I still don't know why) but i love all of my friends
What quote do you live by?
And from the chaos of her soul there followed beauty
Vriendinne in jou graad?
Daars baie basically amper amal
DM my ek wil weet wi jy is jy klink interessant
Do you like coffee?
Vriendinne in jou graad?
Daars baie dis basically amal
Speel jy nog sagtebal
Ek wil graag maar agv my gewrig operasie kan ek nie
What was your first cellphone ?
I phone 6
What’s One Thing You Really Wanna Learn How to Do?
How ro play quidditch (i know just found out lately it actually exists)
Money or Loyalty ?