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Jesse inFamous Monkeypants


I know yew're curious :) . . .

18 Replies

What movie had you manage to watch finish with a girl??

Uh. . .hmmmm. . .uhhmmm. . .it had to be beauty and the beast. . .i watched it wiv my 5 year old sister :). Cant believe i made it thru that movie.

335540 replied 4707 days ago

J E S S E •BOY• (:
WhAt pUts yOo OfF oF a giRL??*
[LikE whAt dO yOo diSLikE] (:

Well i cannot take stingy girls. . .and i dont like it when she pretends that everything is okay but it isnt. . .she must understand that im there for her noo matter wot thee situation. She shouldnt push me aside. . .yeah :) a fat dislikey for that.

335540 replied 4707 days ago

Do yOo haVe inSecuRitY isSueS?*

Noo i dont :). . . Well i don't mind if my gf is hanging out with a guy friends especially if a guy is her best friend. . .she has to be honest with me and trust me including herself that she wont goo anywhere beyond the friendship level wiv her guy-friends.

335540 replied 4708 days ago

Wot oda languages do u speakuh?? ^^


335540 replied 4709 days ago

Are you a model?

Lolz. . .have yew seen how ugly i am??

335540 replied 4709 days ago

HeY(: TashieTate

How do yew do madam??

335540 replied 4709 days ago

If yOo cOuLd chOosE anY suPer pOweR,wHaT wOuLd iT bEh?

Id have the super power of hospitality :D. Id take care of all those suffering kids and people that show up on the news. Malnutrition, TB, aids yew name it, id make it all disappear if i could :)

335540 replied 4709 days ago 1

Uted es lindo...alguien ha dicho antes? :) :D ♥♥♥

Ahahahahahaha! Gracias :) . . . Si muchas veces :P. Pero a mi lo feo :( :/. . .

335540 replied 4709 days ago

How would define a man?

When he is not a boy anymore. . .wher he leaves is childish behaviour behind wiv his childhood life. . .wher he is responsible and wise. . .wher he respects every woman including his mom. . .and doesnt lift his hand too her. I also fink its a human with shorter hair and noo boo*s. Haha :)

335540 replied 4709 days ago

If you had to be a superhero--which one would you be? (n, n)

The normal one?? :) yew know. . .the one who saves the day by putting a smile on thee sad ones face, the one who gives his happy meal to the guy sleeping on the streets and gives the toy to the kid sleeping in a shoe-box. The one who is always there to lend a helping hand witout any soopa powers. Yar. . .that dude. The normal one. Who wears a skinny, t-shirt, chucks insted of a cape, tights and his underwear on the outside :). Noo thank yew. . .id rather be ordinary to go outta my way to make someone's day than to be a 'all-that' to goo to thee extreme for someone who doesn't appreciate it.

335540 replied 4710 days ago 1

Como describiría usted el amor?

Supongo que es esa cosa rara que. . .te hace feliz, confundido, triste y perdido todo al mismo tiempo. . . Pero al final, siempre estás sonriendo y soñado despierto durante toda su vida en vello!! :)

335540 replied 4710 days ago

WhAt aRe yOo dOinG riGht tHis mInutE?*

I'm in the bathroom staring at the shower. . .and I had NO IDEA what I was goin ta do. :)

335540 replied 4710 days ago

AnY nEw peOpLe yOo mEeT rEcEntLy? :p

Lol. . .well uhm. . .hmmmm. . .yes. . . :) that'll be yew of course! :D

335540 replied 4710 days ago

#J E S S E (:
ArE yOo a rOmaNtiC tyPa guY?*

Yes I am very much the romantic type--I'm very pas*ionate and my weakness is loving unconditionally toward the girl I am faithfully committed to. :)

335540 replied 4710 days ago 1

What are you looking for in a woman?

Trust & Honesty
Her Smile. :)

335540 replied 4710 days ago 1