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38 Replies

What’s my best physical feature?

Me smile

ItsThatChick replied 3459 days ago

Who inspires you?

Jesus.Me mom. Kim Kardashian West.

ItsThatChick replied 3607 days ago

What turns you off in a person ?

Being too sensitive[like they don't accept sarcasm] and cocky .

ItsThatChick replied 3609 days ago

How does it feel to be the hottest girl in world?

I honestly wish I could answer that fully .. But then if you think I'm one of the hottest girls in the world then it feels perfectly normal .♡

ItsThatChick replied 3619 days ago

Which friend would you take a bullet for?

None :)

ItsThatChick replied 3619 days ago

Can money buy love?

Yes I Think .. But then its not true love .

ItsThatChick replied 3622 days ago

2 things you dislike about yourself?

Height and nails(my finger nails won't grow)

ItsThatChick replied 3625 days ago

What did you last dream about?

My friend getting kidnapped ._. x_x

ItsThatChick replied 3627 days ago

How many kids do you want to have?

If I do have 3_ but I don't want..

ItsThatChick replied 3633 days ago

What do you s*ck at?

Drawing ... (N)

ItsThatChick replied 3644 days ago

Friend you cannot live without?

Jesus ♥

ItsThatChick replied 3647 days ago

favorite song of all time?

Kandi-Easier :)

ItsThatChick replied 3652 days ago

Dumbest thing you've ever heard?

When a person is using that Kermit quote unnecessarily ("butThatsNoneOfMyBusiness") and he's like "I'm so sick" _ #ButThatsNoneOfMyBusiness ___like wtf :/Lol

ItsThatChick replied 3656 days ago

What are you really good at?

Living ... I guess oh and I'm good at holding on to a friend .

ItsThatChick replied 3660 days ago

Who would you like thank today and what for?

My dad,since well its fathers day _ I would thank him for being awesome! <3

ItsThatChick replied 3670 days ago