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Question me about anything❤

16 Replies

What's the most overrated thing ever?

Valentines Day

Its_Clara replied 2698 days ago

What does your name mean ?

Famous?but I'm not living up to it. I'm a complete weirdo lol

Its_Clara replied 2856 days ago

Why are you ignoring the person you're ignoring right now?

One word : Toxic

Its_Clara replied 2878 days ago

Who's the Catherine that was in an Instagram post?

My sweeet potato. Why do you assk??

Its_Clara replied 2878 days ago 2

What was your first kiss like?

Single af?
Jokes it was a beautiful exchange of saliva?

Its_Clara replied 2881 days ago

What do you envy about the opposite $ex?

They can just walk around shirtless in the house. Like why. I get hot too
I'm jealous ??

Its_Clara replied 2891 days ago

What's stopping you from being the best version of you?

I'm lazy so that means I have to change.

Its_Clara replied 2896 days ago 2

I have a crush on veilla urassa. ..tell me about her?

Veilla if this is you please just stop???
If it's not she's a cool girl. She knows what she wants and gets it ?

Its_Clara replied 2896 days ago

What are you obsessed with right now?

My phone

Its_Clara replied 2898 days ago

What do you need to get off your chest?

I honestly care so much about Temwa but he keeps acting shady. And I wanna tell him but I'm scared he'll run away?

Its_Clara replied 2905 days ago

What are you most afraid of losing?

My little sister oh my gosh. But my happiness nonetheless

Its_Clara replied 2910 days ago

Who do u like

I have a boy friend so I like him?

Its_Clara replied 2912 days ago

You like josh Horne ?

Who's Josh Horne? ???

Its_Clara replied 2915 days ago 1

Dream Job ?

Forensic Pathologist?

Its_Clara replied 2916 days ago 1

Who was the last person to call you?

My teacher ?????? I have no life

Its_Clara replied 2916 days ago