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292 Replies

Why does society place such a high value on beauty when it serves no functional purpose?

Idk, it's strange that this 'value placement' is a social norm. Society as a whole tends to place high values on otherwise 'purposeless things' ..Things that shouldn't really matter

ItssAliyah replied 2381 days ago

what is a weird thing that makes you sad?

Aye interesting question...The word almost, yea it makes me sad. 'She almost lived' 'He almost kissed her' 'She almost escaped' 'He almost confessed' it fcks me up?

ItssAliyah replied 2381 days ago

what movie/cartoon did u watxh on repeat as a child?

Hands down Treasure Planet

ItssAliyah replied 2381 days ago

Do you find it romantic whena guy keeps going back to a girl after she cheats and hurts him and leaves him several times?

what even?! I feel like that sort of 'relationship dynamic' is highly romanticized in society but it will ultimately only lead to more hurt and heartbreak..

ItssAliyah replied 2381 days ago

what personality traits do you tend associating wid like certain names?

Disclaimer: I s*ck.
So lazy= Joe
Mean= Heather
Chilled out = Nick
Weird= Aliyah

ItssAliyah replied 2381 days ago


why YOU 'suh cyooot'? Melissa <3

ItssAliyah replied 2381 days ago

peanut butter or jam?


ItssAliyah replied 2381 days ago

In a universe with a thousand galaxies and a galaxy with a million stars. You always shine the brightest


ItssAliyah replied 2381 days ago

Astroworld or queen


ItssAliyah replied 2381 days ago

Fav song

Okay at the moment it's Thinking bout you by Frank Ocean and yes ik iss old

ItssAliyah replied 2381 days ago

Was up gummy bear

nothin much jelly bean

ItssAliyah replied 2381 days ago

what movies have you watched more than 8 times

?Braveheart...Undisputed...Serendipity and Big Fish all I can think of rn

ItssAliyah replied 2381 days ago

I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed your help. gimme a list of cheesy songs to listen to whilst being hopelessly in love?!

?uuhmm so....Crush by David Archul(whatever) breathing by Jason Derulo and All of me by john legend?

ItssAliyah replied 2381 days ago

you gang beautiful

thanks x

ItssAliyah replied 2381 days ago

Girl its late af , go to bed

tell that to my insomnia

ItssAliyah replied 2381 days ago