What wouldn't you do for a million dollars?
kill myself
what drugs are you on
pfft drugs
do you miss going to penola
haha penola, miss going to school cause of the people not cause the school, dumb school
The biggest mistake you made in your life?
theres alot fkn.
further you have been
asia (Y)
what would you change about you life
everything lol, hate it (Y)
Your next smartphone?
My human brain
The best movie so far in 2014?
The one i made with your mum and I.
Thoughts on Mikaylla Rosselli?
whos that?
are you a virgin
yeah i am, why?
Saw your snapchat with Shanae
what snapchat?
last girl you ****ed!
if you wanna no, inbox me
Best mates ?
jack billy yappa liam alex kyle lawrence frank (Y)
thats a lie for sure
well inbox me and il tell you
What have you and frances
Done curious
we have hugged and said hello.
Closest girl friends
sara and zoe and the rest '*****es they come and go'
How do you tell someone they have bad breath?
give them a tictac
you should of gone for mikaylla when you had the chance but now you can't cause apparently she's seeing someone
fair enough (:
if she wasn't seeing anyone would you ever go out with her?
you and mikaylla would be cute together, just sayin'
haha aw, shes seeing someone atm i think anyway. would love to no who you are.
best year 11?
im not really sure, dont talk to alot of them.
its a square :O
I like you and I always will I dont know why
who are you...
you se*y boy
right back at ya
who do you like?
i like you
U r a cheesy triangle dorito
your a tranny
have u taken steroids before cuz
every day man.
Do u think div 3 will beat oak park?
yeah buddy.
do you like anyone?
is ebony whelen a good root
Im a virgin...
how stoned are you out of 10/11?
AHAHA. i made that up shh :)
Would f*** you
tell me who you are then...
thoughts on mikaylla r ?
shes alright, use to be close
thoughts on Manda ?
good to talk to, great personality, attractive.
hottest girl at mercy ?
anastasia probably.
me and rates found a magnum .44
that was my dads we were asking him what that was for.
goes down well
what happened with you and frances :/
whos that
hottest year 10?
you tell me
oh wow you're hot!
aha uhm thanks. inbox me then.
viginaboo* ya mut kunt its evin
yeah i can tell. little curry muncher cant spell v***** :)
heard you knocked a kid out at premier league today ?
aha yeah... whoz this?
Fantins se*i elellele
thaaaats amazing :)
You're pretty f***ing se*y.
oh yeah am i really. thanks anonymous.
hey se*y boy
hey v*****boo*
Hottest year 9 girl?
i dunooz maaaan
no really dont worry
WOW .-.--.-.-.-
na all good dont worry about it
no. inbox me :)
i was going to but i dont think you like me..
just inbox me. -.-
inbox me (:
i wish i could be your girlfriend :/
i really like you lucas, and im in your clas* xD
When are we going to kiss? Xo
when you let me no who you are then we will.
Hottest year 7 and 8 ?
not sure. dont really speak to yr7 and 8's :)
lucas kiss me
if i no who you are then maybe :)
if i was a cow would ya yank me off
yeah man ofcourse.
your hot. we should kiss. :)
Inbox me and maybe we will (:
im too imbarrsed incase you still like her
mmm just inbox me.
when you and frances had a thing i use to go up to both of you guys and tell you 2 to go out but deep down i really liked you. and all you both would do was blush nawwww u guys!
inboxx me ?
would you ever go out with frances
would you?
thoughts on katelyn morris
good personality. great friend and is pretty (:
Your so lucky dude, I wish I spoke to mikaylla!!
il get u in :)
aaalright. (:
wtf doo u smok wed ? ::/ y??
whats wed. aha
i would do everything with you! ;)
inboox me (:
di grazia? You were their **** and I was at jorja too.
Joshua dipshi* is gay.
mmm i didnt even go
Your the biggest feggot out. You should s*ck on a Dic*. Yeh at Vanessa's you poof I was there wanted to stab you do bad
havnt even been to a girls party named vanessa :)
thoughts on frances allie :pp;;PppPpPPPPPpp
just stop frances.
come kiss me
inbox me who you are and maybe i will :)
last person you liked?????????????????
mila kunis. xo :)
your married to me **** <3
thats not nice.
f*** if mikaylla liked me i would go out with her
her boo*s and as* and face pwoaah
your lucky mate
ahahah. relaaax moite. (:
you and mikaylla should seriously go out, yous would be the cutest couple
tell me who this is and then i will go out with her :)
you like penola?
it is f***ing sh!t. (:
What do you think of lesbians? ;)
hottest thing :)
Divitoooooooooooooooo DanPitz09
big peeetroo.
ebony ayy :)
naaaah brah.