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Ivy Pearce



120 Replies

So Alex P must have a good eyes & smile.

Damn you people do not give up do you

Ivypearce9 replied 3322 days ago

Thought on Sienna xo

Best person to talk to about anything xx

Ivypearce9 replied 3322 days ago

I'm setting a screen on your negitivity

Blocked Alex

Ivypearce9 replied 3415 days ago

What happened with u and Cerys?


Ivypearce9 replied 3416 days ago

What's under your bed?

Monsters D:

Ivypearce9 replied 3416 days ago

Whats your favourite feature on the opposite $ex?


Ivypearce9 replied 3416 days ago

Fat as

Thankksss <3

Ivypearce9 replied 3428 days ago

What is your current mood and why ?


Ivypearce9 replied 3438 days ago

What is the greatest thing about being single ?

A lot

Ivypearce9 replied 3445 days ago

Alex p???

What about him?

Ivypearce9 replied 3449 days ago

What's missing in your life ?

A win at netball :(((

Ivypearce9 replied 3449 days ago

Favourite boys in yr 9?

Alex, Caiden, Nathan, Liam and depending on the day, jack

Ivypearce9 replied 3449 days ago

Who's the hotest

Out of who? Haha

Ivypearce9 replied 3449 days ago

Your a ***** arnt ya

Why do you hate meeeeeeee alexxxxx

Ivypearce9 replied 3475 days ago

Such a disappointment ;)

Why do you hate meeeeeeee nathannnnn

Ivypearce9 replied 3476 days ago