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Jerome Damhuis

Ask away

51 Replies

Well anyway enjoy ur time in PE

Thank you. Hope you have a lovely holiday. replied 3936 days ago

I have and u always just stop chatting. .

The only reason I stop talking to people is if I get really busy, or I see they don't really want to talk to me and become disintrested. If it is not one of these cases I apoligize sencerly. replied 3936 days ago

Hey '' haven't spoken to u in ages!!

Ya, it has been a while. Start a chat on bbm or whatsapp and I will be sure to converse replied 3937 days ago

Well I don't think so ey ...

Really? :( replied 4031 days ago

No, I can't just tell u.. That'd be too easy for u :P

But it could be a nice thing you do, and wouldn't we both benifit from the answer? Never the less, the truth shall be revealed sooner or later, let's just hope the timing is good :) replied 4038 days ago

Well in that case u will have to figure out who I am :)

Awww can't you just tell me? replied 4040 days ago

Mr G-ROME!!!!! Boss-man, Mr Epic, Mr Awesome! B-) This isn't a guy with a name that sounds like red in afrikaans! ... For reals :D...

The Question : WHY R U SO EPIC??!!! =D

Mr fantastc, Mr amazing, Mr ... Big. This isn't G-rome! For reals you are awesome :P B-) The answer: I just am, but I am not as awesome as you =D replied 4042 days ago

Are u sure?? :p what do u think my name begins with?

Ok well, I have narrowed it down to 2 people, J and M. I am just scared now, don't know what to do. replied 4042 days ago

Oh really now??

I think so yes, but I am not sure :( replied 4042 days ago

u've greeted me :P now u must figure out who I am.

I am nervous all of a sudden, but I think I may know who you could be replied 4042 days ago

Hey, guess what...?

What? replied 4042 days ago

Can tell u this, u haven't spoken to me in a while ;) *

I wish we were speaking now so I could see who you are replied 4042 days ago

Hey se*y ;) It's been too long... How ya doing? Hope you're still as big as they said you were ... Mr Big D :D

No I have been growing hay, really tall now. And it has been way too long, must meet up sometime :p replied 4042 days ago

Last was like a week ago.. Spoke to me a couple of days ago thou on bbm*

Ok, well I hope we shall speak soon, you could always start the conversation ;) replied 4042 days ago

Hey Baby, thanks for last night, was amaaaaaazing. You really could use it as a life raft, coz it kept me up all night long. XD ;)

I am extreamly tallented, what can I say =D replied 4042 days ago