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Jordan Abuzar


This site keeps on telling me to hook up with hot Russian ladies. It's like it's trying to be a wingman, but... blah

41 Replies

If you had to ask God a question what would it be?

is the answer to my question "no"?

J.smilingsorrow replied 3669 days ago

Are you single?

I am single yes

J.smilingsorrow replied 3674 days ago

there are 50 russians singles in your area.


oh gosh dangit

J.smilingsorrow replied 3698 days ago

do you like anyone atm?


J.smilingsorrow replied 3698 days ago

what do you want to after you finish school

I wanna study acting, and hopefully make a career of it

J.smilingsorrow replied 3698 days ago

thoughts on school

I actually quite enjoy it. i can see why people would not, but i can't help but enjoy it

J.smilingsorrow replied 3698 days ago

Who are your favourite people to talk to?

i generally enjoy talking with everyone, it's quite nice c: in particular, i enjoy talking with liam biggs, Caelum hussien, and my friend abby thomas. but in all honesty, i don't really have favourites, i have amigos ^_^

J.smilingsorrow replied 3701 days ago

person that makes you laugh the most?

I think everyone makes me laugh heaps, but if i had to narrow it down, it would be a tie between Satya, Liam, and Caelum

J.smilingsorrow replied 3701 days ago

What turns you off in a person ?

i forgot what this question said after i clicked it

J.smilingsorrow replied 3701 days ago

who is / was your crush in high school?

well the last crush i had was a girl named jean, but since then that time has passed, no crushes now, at least i don't think so. so lonely ahaha

J.smilingsorrow replied 3701 days ago

have u taken a shine 2 anyone?

maybe, it's a possibility

J.smilingsorrow replied 3709 days ago

Which friend would you take a bullet for?

if i was there, anyone of them.

J.smilingsorrow replied 3710 days ago

r u interested in anyone?

I honestly don't know.

J.smilingsorrow replied 3711 days ago

i have been cracked....
my hard shell has been removed and i am but a meringue now.
and unfortunately meringues do not have identities.
Take care of my eggdom, keep the eggtrance locked at all times, im trusting you.
MeggaEgg, over and out

godspeed you magnificent, eggtacular being you will forever exist in leggend

J.smilingsorrow replied 3712 days ago

i am eggstatic. I remember i once though no one could out egg me, but you have done it in less time than it too my carrot to climb up the mountain on egg power with the eggficiency of a boat on a flat road. congreggyolklations

You have very eggceptional skills. Had i been another individual you probably would've scrambled me with little difficulty. any other person may have cracked early on, unless they were hardboiled as well. I admit my curiosity as to who you are. you are proving quite the eneggma

J.smilingsorrow replied 3712 days ago