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wtf? you mess with my mates and you are doing to get it!!! sh!ts going down!!
what the f***? you lowlife, Dic*s*cking s***! lets cut the crap with this anon crap, come say some shi* to our faces and see whos the tough one then!!! you mess with me, yeah i dont take offence, but when you bring my friends, the people i care about!! f*** shi*s going to hit the ground when i find out who you are you lowlife s***!!!
i dont know? just the girls im into arent interested in me at the time, why dont you cut this anon crap and hit me up a message? id like another person to talk to haha
hey joe!! i think me and everyone else who find both the girls amazing, beautiful and all the other lovely things they share!!!
thankyou!!! someone with some taste in women!!! someone who can see though the outer layer (even though she is f***ing gorgeous!!!)
f*** off !! your stepping over the line, i find you and shi* will go down!!!! i wont sleep until i find you you lowlife, attention-seeking ball s*cking jew!!!! you have messed with the wrong group!!
f*** off and leave her alone, you want to finish this come speak to my face!!
i said awesome you Dic*head, and you dont know her like i do, even though we arent as close as i would like but not the point, she is amazing!!
shes an awesome person, can get agresive at times but she always has her reasons lol, but yeah, shes cute, funny and just awesome in general!!
i dont dislike anything about them, they are all lovely people!!! and i did say something cause it got a reply :)
i dont really have 'bestest' but they would probably be erin trotman, camille josh and kayla vella
you probably know the answer beautiful! but for those that dont, erin trotman, camille josh and kayla vella
probably the person asking the question but cause i dont know who you are well yeah... just leave it at sdomeone beautiful
all the time:( but thats life, wanting things/people you cant have:(:(
they are all gorgeous and they are my friends for a reason so yeah!!
chocolate all the way!!
depeds on my feelings towards them and how close we are....
no, that is just a level of low i dont visit haha
yes! and i dont care about what people think of it
if you dont already know than you shouldnt know
she is beautiful in her own way! just like all the other babes out there!
yes!! i miss them all!!! especially you!