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Getting technical here
2 wonderful ladies I adore
Annual any day of the week
Probably any girl under the age of 50
Short hair is boring and less versatile
Lmaoo wtf who makes up this stuff
The drapes match the carpet
The big man is always swell
No idea what that means
Yeah nah youre right about that
ahahahah fck off thats fcked up
Who bent who over lmao
Can't imagine it being too much fun, but best you ask someone who has one
Definetly news to me to be honest
ahah well I am bored af atm so come on over
Oh gee, Idk about onto him, nothing like that I was being sarcastic saying it was a molestation ahah and no I dont believe he was
I aint a Melbourne club guide lmaoooo, I can see why you think I am tho
Havent been there for like a year, idk what its like these days
Nick is a great mate of mine, funny little prick, hard to control at work sometimes but love him like a little brother
Shanna is like a little sister for me since we have become close shes a beautiful little girl
he never did anything wrong by her, she was in the wrong, yeah gotta watch what I say here cant really say much
Yeah I would
Was nice to see her yesterday and we are fairly close, love her lots
There is 4 rooms and each one plays a different genre of Music, so a bit of everything really
Chat to me then and just admit it on inbox :)
As a collective or individually?
As a collective or individually?
2/3 of ISIS
It was close to an attempted molestation
Lmao thats the best
Who are youuuuuuu then
Say the name bc 90% memory deleted
Shes a legend, love her heaps cant wait till later in the year when she will come out with everyone
Well talk to me then!
Another mad bloke, miss him as well, heaps funny and miss seeing Courteny hit on him at work
This is so pointless ??
Nah rejected a few this weekend
Get along super well, hes a top bloke really miss seeing him around at work and at Rats sometimes! Sick ****
Jordan and Brayden who sorry?
Say hello to me and inbox me then pleaseeeee
Enough to go clubbing 4 times this week
Woolies: I work alone most the time but like everyone there
KFC: Josh, Tori, Shanna, Renya, Nenorta, Lucinda, Michael, Dylan, Suzie, Nick, 80 percent of them pretty much
Hmmmmm, idk what new people?? Dont really talk to anyone so no new people to go with lmao
2 places atm, KFC and Woolies plus Uni
Chilling with my dogs
Brayden, Jayden, Corey, Kristian, Sherise, Sinead, Eve, Sammy, Liana
Thanks for that :)
Like who? Names?? Pre sure I havent done that
Yeap, I enjoy watching them the next day so its all good
Yeap, I enjoy watching them the next day so its all good
well thats very sweet :)
dont hesitate to say hey :)
Why are you scared to talk to me..?
not even a such place lmao
Talk to me then pls :)
ahaha gee thatd be a long list tbh... not sure though
Maybe yes Maybe no
Lmao whos this ahaha cmon
depends how long it is for?
just inbox me and ask!
Welllll who are you..? :p
false and false
I'm not a scary person at all..
say hey (y)
whatd you say
come here darling
I dont believe you
I swear this could be real from what Ive heard
Lucinda, Renya, Shanna, Kristian
Shanna, Nick, Tori, Josh, Joey, lucinda, tereza, I like renny actually, Norti is good too, dylan, plenty more plenty more
its private information just inbox or snapchat me and talk
not at all wtf
doubt its from tereza
yes please find out, never spoken a word to each other
yeah mate totally
shes a what?
No whys that
Okay deal, idk who or where though
yeah no worries! yours?
what am i lieing about
I will if you inbox me. I seriously promise!
I beg you to throw me an inbox
where in taylors lakes?
yeah but common sense to not answer personal questions on here im happy to on inbox
inbox me mate
fck off idk who that is you wanker
inbox me
Always free for a licking
wtf you on about
I dont lie at all, gimme a time when I have lied?