Hoe lyk jy
Gaan vind self uit
Insta naam?
Het al geantw
Wat soek jy my best se nommer voor? Huh, komkommertjie?
Dis als chill, ek verstaan dat jy vir haar opkyk
How is life?
Just a little badish eh
Aangesien j so baie te se het oor qooh me kan jy my verseker Dm en dan maak ons n plan ? Iamolivier
But why do you want a DM from me so much?
So surely you can think of some ticklish spots you’d want the ticklers to go for?
I'ma stop now?
Oh ye obvs! Means all his ticklish spots are wide open
On his back with his arms and legs where?
Stretched out
And what do you think the best way to have him pinned down for tickling would be? As in what position etc?
On his back, it restricts him mire
Why not do some of the actual tickling?
I don't know mate... i don't know
Or would you prefer to just help everyone else keep him pinned down and stretched out?
What ticklish spots would you go for and in what order?
I don't know?
If a friend asked you and a load of others to help tickle torture her 11 year old brother who would you help? And why?
Sure, why not??
So duidelik is ek nie eers belangrik vir jou nie, dankie hoor
Hoe goed ken ek jou?
nee eks troffel (meisie) wat koor sing saam vinette hulle
Ek het al jou stuk kak
Glo my, my feite is shap, dis jy wat jou kop moet laat lees. Los die troffels uit jou ***** gay A$$
Hoekom steek jy jou naam weg? Meeste van die troffels is my vriende. As jy iets wil sê, moet jy dit in my gesig kom sê
O my liewe fok, jy dink jy is soooo mooi, maar jyt tot vir die troffels op die koorkamp gese jyt n six oack, meer van n kotsige pack kry n donnerse lewe jou loner met n boner vir vinette
Een, ek sikkel om in die oggende op te wil staan, want ek haat die manier hoe ek lyk.
Twee, ek het gesê ek het 'n six pack onder al my rolle.
Drie, ek het 'n lewe, nie soos jy wat die tyd gevat het uit jou sorry verskooning vir 'n lewe om vir my nou nonsens te kom vertel nie.
Vier, ek is 'n loner om dat ek op my eksamens gekonsentreer het, sodat ek iets in die lewe kan bereik.
Vyf, ek het nie 'n boner vir vinette nie, sy is daar vir my wanneer ek sleg voel, en ek waardeer haar met elke lewende sel in my ligaam. Sy is een van die redes dat ek nie tou opgegee het nie, op die koorkamp het ek wel saam haar buite onder 'n kombers gesit net omdat dit m o e r koud was.
So volgende keer wat jy iemand sleg wil sê, moet jy eers jou feite reg kry
Sal jy met een van die meisies in jou kerk groeppie uit gaan? As ja, wat is haar voorletters?
Nee, ek is nie meer met die kerk nie chane.
Dankie vir al die qooh's altyd ? Liame.k
Geen probleem, mense moet tog hoor dat hulle behoort
Jy weet as jy iemand qooh me dan sien ons jou naam bra
Stalk jy my? En ja ek weet...
You weird stalker bro what ya doing with your life?
If I was one, how would you know stalker?
Wait, Your German? (Sorry if you dont understand) KB7Azurite
Yes I am
Insta Naam?
Baie dankie wat jy op my Qooh gese het dit het my dag gemaak? lune.meyer
Geen probleem?
Ah yes ribs! What about their tummys? Or their soles? Or palms?
Jy lyk baie nice
Tx, wens ek weet wie jy is
Dm my
Hoërskool Garsfontein
What would you say are probably the most ticklish spots on most kids if you had to guess some?
The ribcage
Which one of your exes yould you date again?
There are a few i would, but not right now
What is your fav tv show?
Don't know, i don't watch that much tv
Who is your crush?
That stays Anonymous
What is your worst fear?
Losing that one person in life
Who is one person you wish would stop talking to you?
The people that hurt me when I do
Fav sanger
There are to much?
What made you happy today? 100+
Thinking about the people/ person i care about the most
What is the worst text that you accidentally sent to the wrong person?
I love you
What should people stop buying?
Fake lives
What makes you happy?
Someone that hurt me
What is the smartest thing you've ever done?
Moving on and never looking back, at the things that hurt me in the past
What are you sick of trying to explain to people?
My choices
Which movie do you regret watching and why ?
Don't know
What do you owe yourself?
What are you afraid of ?
Letting go
Describe yourself in three words ?
Me myself and I??