How are you feeling right now?
Craving to fck a dead baby fresh out the microwave
What are you sick and tired of?
What are you looking forward to in 2017?
Reincarnation of harambe
Whats something you want to happen?
Everyone to die
What have you never truly gotten over?
Lots of people backstabber me and sht but I've always gotten over it
What are you looking most forward to in 2017?
Still being with sofia hopefully
You just won $50 million from the lottery. What's next?
Give $25 mill to Sofia
What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?
Be with Sofia xx ??
Who is your favorite person and why?
Sofia because I love her more than anything in existence ever and I wish I was with her rn ????
y do u hate nk there so close with ur gf-mark and sof r so close but yet u hate him for no reason&luca&sof r so close@school even tho she says sht about him there g friends
Love you xxxxx sofia.a
Love u more xoxox
Omg thats sooooo cute what you said about sofia
Anything for her ?☺️?
olivia T
Drifted but still trust u heaps
Olivia s
Really good friend and can trust u with anything
If you discovered a new island, what would you name it and why?
Choomah island cause of the big lez show
ur gf is being a b*tch at nk
Y don't u shut the fck up **** and mind your own business if she's being a btch it's probably cause ur annoying her she's the one of the nicest people I've ever met and if u think that then obviously u must be perfect compared to other people just go s*ck yourself off u dckhead and if ur gonna say sht don't be an anon u *****
Top 3 girl best friends
Sofia Shenyle Julianne
you are a bird you can fly away from everyone's bullsht, but you get shot on the way cos someone's always gotta bring you down -life quote
Yea that's true
have you liked sofia for like over a month bc from your 11:11s and sht
Why are you ignoring the person you're ignoring right now?
v***** monkey fartssaurus rex
What was your first kiss like?
Imaginary and it was pretty good
What are you obsessed with right now?
Top 3 girl best friends (sisters)
Olivia T Liliana Georgia
You and Liliana are the biggest cc
Haha ok
What do you need to get off your chest?
Who I like but no one is trustworthy
lmaooo what happened with you and rylan
We had a fight
tbh 4 angie, liliana and olivia.s
Angie: Good friends I can trust you really funny Liliana: Really funny Really good friends been friends for a while I can tell you anything Olivia: not close but used to be alright
TBH for Georgia raffaele
Tbh really nice person funny pretty
You and Calista were so cute omg!
Ahaha ok
why did u call angie fake, why do u think that
I never called Angie fake
do you hate angie, would u ever
I don't hate Angie
Does your crush go to crc?
What happened to you and Calista?
We split up. Yeah duh
are u dating Angie cause you are cc
What would you rate liliana out of 100?
Only known you a year but best friend (that's a girl) annoying sht ?? v pretty v funny
Tbh really funny, random sometimes v $exual ?? and pretty asf ❤️?
Spamm my qooh.me with questions
Forgets to put name....
dck is yum agree
Nope potato
What grade are you
7 cause I'm a 12v
Is that a problem cause your exact words when someone asked u if u like potatoes was "yum yum"
Jake ritabio
U fcked that up so bad ????
Get your A$$ to school tommrw Lilianaboumbis
Just cause u said that I'm not gonna come
My jaw line is goals unlike yours
Back off I won the jawline comp Liliana
Jake Jake Jake Jake
Liliana Liliana Liliana Liliana
Angie is mine fck off
Calm down Liliana
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Huddo2121
do you still like sarah vitalone
Describe Your Bestfriend?
he's a retard cough cough
What was your first cellphone ?