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760 Replies

When will leo be home?

He is home

JaZzYyBoUlTeR.XOxo replied 2886 days ago

Which trend are you not into ?

Man buns

JaZzYyBoUlTeR.XOxo replied 2946 days ago 1

How are you celebrating skys birthday

We had family over and a spit roast :)

JaZzYyBoUlTeR.XOxo replied 2946 days ago

Has leo come home?


JaZzYyBoUlTeR.XOxo replied 2946 days ago

What's the worst decision you've ever made?

Made a lot haha

JaZzYyBoUlTeR.XOxo replied 2946 days ago

How is leo?

His great thank you :)

JaZzYyBoUlTeR.XOxo replied 2984 days ago

You never post pics of your kids are you ashamed

yes I do and no I'm not ashamed at all, there on snapchat all the time. I don't post them all the time for personal reasons so shut up?

JaZzYyBoUlTeR.XOxo replied 3056 days ago

Why didn't you tell anyone you were pregnant

Because it's no one business lol

JaZzYyBoUlTeR.XOxo replied 3056 days ago

What do you want more than anything else in the world ,right now ?

My baby boy home :(

JaZzYyBoUlTeR.XOxo replied 3088 days ago

What are you obsessed with?


JaZzYyBoUlTeR.XOxo replied 3102 days ago

When was the last time you got angry and why?

Earlier cause I was spoken to like crap???

JaZzYyBoUlTeR.XOxo replied 3104 days ago

How did you meet your bestfriend ?

Apperently I wanted to fight her ?????? Hahahahah love ya Ak

JaZzYyBoUlTeR.XOxo replied 3111 days ago

What in your opinion, is a huge waste of money?


JaZzYyBoUlTeR.XOxo replied 3117 days ago

What got you upset recently?

Getting out of bed

JaZzYyBoUlTeR.XOxo replied 3131 days ago

What are you terrible at ?

Waking up hahahaha

JaZzYyBoUlTeR.XOxo replied 3131 days ago