Thoughts fgt;) xxx JmEjX
Awh that thoughts was cute (; your perfect , its actual miint spending time with time with you, you make me sohappy you always no how to make me smile, your a amazing girlfriend your actual the best your eyes are so miint and your so pretty, love you <3 xxxx
Thoughts on jaya
She's actual perfect I really like her ,she makes me so happy, she's the best girlfriend ever<3 love hanging with her its miint, she thinks I'm gonna kill my fish cause I feed them to much but she doesn't no anything about my fish ;) haha nah she's miint hope we last forever,she's so cute, cant wait to see her next, she's just perfect <3 xxxx
Yo! Hang out with me and tails soon? M__L
Yeye keen as text me (: xx
Awh I dont hate you , your reall nice pretty funny would be good to talk more but youve got a mint personality and yeah your pretyy miint (; you should mail me (: xx
I really like you and I really want to have a thing with you ;( xoxo
Can you s*ck my **** all night long x
You sluzza(;
U r
Jaaak replied
4083 days ago
girls you wanna get to know better??
Casey, taylor, courtney, micheala, tylah
Jaaak replied
4083 days ago
You seem nice havnt really talked much your real pretty
You should mail me? Xx
Loosest b!tch you know?
You anon
U seem prettty miint weve talked a few times put it would be good to talk abit more you seem pretty nice (: xx
Jaaak replied
4083 days ago
Get a profile picture you f***** ;) xx Tayloooooor
No. (; xx
I like you <3
Aw really? Text me or somthing? X
Jaaak replied
4083 days ago
Who do you like?
Well i do like someone but dont think she would like me back eh
Jaaak replied
4084 days ago
Your really nice miint to hang out with weve had a few good laughs your reall pretty and we used to talk heaps and we shoulf hang soon (: xx
Your mint we used to talk quite abit but now we dont, your reall pretty and we should talk me and tyler loves me more (; x
Your really nice we allways have a laugh your so easy to get along with, your pretty cool, our movie nights have been miint, youve got such a miint sense of humour and youve got a great personality, weve had a few cool memories and its been good hanging with you latley and your a gb xx
Jaaak replied
4086 days ago
Shes miint, shes reall nice, would be good to get to no her a bit better shes really pretty and sje gpt a great sense of humor and a good personality x
Get a profile picture...
Jaaak replied
4088 days ago
Your miint such a good person to be around, always a good laugh with you and jenny weve been hanging heaps and have had a few good memories and its been miint watching movies with ya latley, youve got a cool as personality (: x
Your cool, your really nice you like eating paddlepops haha your pretty funny it would be good to talk more maybe? And yeah youve got a pretty miint personality (: xo
Thoughts on sylvie Wilson
Idk who she is
Thoughts on Jenna rossiter x
I dont really no her she added me on face book but sjr seems pretty cool she should maybe mail me?
Because I've been told you don't
Whp even is this
Jaaak replied
4106 days ago
Do you actually like Caitlyn .
Yea y is everyone saying that
Jaaak replied
4106 days ago
Little ****, telling me to die while I was choking hahahahahahaha... Rude. M__L
Haha shouldnt of spat them at people (;
I miss you :/
Who is this
Jaaak replied
4109 days ago
Your miint, it would be nice to gwet to no you abit better your really nice to talk to and your pretty and you seem like a nice person (: x
Thoughts *****;)? hollyxo
I think your a **** (; your really nice our convos are mint your pretty and it woulf be nice to get to no you a bit beter and your funny and great to talk to (; x
Im soo disappointed in you :(
Jaaak replied
4112 days ago
Your cool we domt really talk that much its cool how we are in the same drama class and i dont think you likr me that much ahah
Jaaak replied
4112 days ago
year 9s girls u wanna get to know better
Mmm probley casey,holly,montana and bella (: x
Yo, thoughts? X M__L
Your miint, we dont really talk much but it would be good to talk more you seem really nice and your reall pretty (: x
Your a gb, your reaally nice you spin a miint yarn your funny and weve had a few miint memories, we should hang soon (:
reall ;)
Mail me hooii
Jaaak replied
4115 days ago
yess your actual so damn *exy!!!
hows caitlin ): im worried bout her
Iknow same shes really upset atm wish i could do somthing about it :/
Did you dump Caitlyn hemworth?
No why are people saying that
Thoughts on joelene? Xo
Shes miint, love her shes great allways used to talk heaps, best yr 10 we used to be pretty close but now we dont talk much but shes cool shes like a sister (: xo
Dayyyuuuuumm your *exy!!!!!
Jaaak replied
4115 days ago
You and ryhs (; your cool and nice still waiting for my hug though eh (; we should talk more
**** (; nah your cool we have started to talk a bit more wich is good you seem like a nice person your pretty and your funny (: x
Toughts on the big man lewis mcG
Hes a gc dont talk anymore though seen him at touch a few times though
Jaaak replied
4117 days ago
U need to set her straight ?
Set who straight?
Jaaak replied
4117 days ago
So Caitlin now eh . Just dump Caitlyn if your gonna be like this
Wtf i dont evan like caitlin shes just a friend
Jaaak replied
4117 days ago
what do u think about georges new hair cut bahahah...
Its alrite eh didnt like it at first but it suits him
Jaaak replied
4118 days ago
do u like caitlan t in yo form??
Nah y
Jaaak replied
4119 days ago
Your gay (; nahr you cool your really nice and you are funny and its cool how your in my form x
your a solid funny **** and tbh love you bro (y)
Whos this chuur
Jaaak replied
4119 days ago
You seem nice i dont reall no you i see you around school quite a bit i havnt talked to you but it would be nice to get to no you (:
Jaaak replied
4122 days ago
Thoughts on holly ***ming?
Shes seems pretty cool i dont really talk to her that much but shes nice and she would suit tyler ;)
Jaaak replied
4123 days ago
Who ya with now jak
Jaaak replied
4123 days ago
You seem pretty nice dont really talk though we should talk a bit more (:
I see you aren't denying it. How about you stop being a ****** **** and admit your a player.
Im pretty sure im not eh and how about stop being a ***** and take it off annomous
Everytime i see you two together your flurting! you flurt with everyone.
How about you stop being a little ***** and come off anonomous
Jaaak replied
4132 days ago
Hahahahahahahahahaha its Caitlyn Jak not Caitlin like your ex and the one you flurt with 24 7
Wow sorry for getting one letter mixed up and shes not my ex i never went out with her and i dont flirt with her
Jaaak replied
4132 days ago
*ucking hell Jak you liked Janaea then the day after she doesn't like you anymore you like Caitlyn. Ew caitlyns fat and orange. Go out with Janaea she's way better. Caitlyns rank.
**** up no shes not and janaea basicly hates me now and im happy with caitlin and no ones gonna change that.
Jaaak replied
4135 days ago
I reckon you and Caitlyn should go out already your cute :)
and what do you like about her ?
I like everything about her shes perfect <3
Jaaak replied
4142 days ago
If you could go out with any girls you talk to, who would they be? You can choose more than one
Just caitlyn <3
Jaaak replied
4145 days ago
Do u like caitlyn
Hepworth? Yes
Who does Nick like?(:
Jaaak replied
4147 days ago
Thoughts ? (: M__L
Your pretty cool havnt reallly talked to you that much youre pretty dece and would be nice to get to no you a bit better (: x
jak can like whoever he wants..goodness anon, feelings come up on there own. you can't help them <3
Caytlin is it now? Wow have you ever just liked one girl, you go from one girl to another?
Well janaea just wanted to be friends and what is the point me and janaea hardly talked it was awkward between us and she doesnt evan like me anymore
Jaaak replied
4150 days ago
thoughts on joelene
shes cool miint to talk to shes amazing best yr 10 friend
you fully did ;) shot g, don't deny it <3 tegggggannn
fully didnt (;
thanks for the compliment oi((; hahah xo tegggggannn
didnt evan say that (;
Do you hate Aleisha in your form ???
nahr whyy
Jaaak replied
4154 days ago
top 5 girls in order :) x
Janaea,caitlyn,haromi,bayley and shosahana
do you still have the slightest feelings for savana?
Thoughts on Janaea? xxxxxxx
Shes miint i like talking to her i think shes amazing she is really pretty and i like her heaps shes git a great personality (: xx
Jaaak replied
4156 days ago
Your cool as you r really nice its miint how you live in leithfeld we have talked a little bit but pretty keen on getting to no you a bit better and talking more often and your pretty funny as well :) xx
Jaaak replied
4160 days ago
Your pretty cool havnt talked that much lately tho and your on the same bus as mee and yeah you cool (:x
Jaaak replied
4163 days ago
Thoughts make it long bby ?Xx Bayley_Love
Youre miint as pretty dece i love our convos there miint ;) you can allways hold a conversation we havnt talked all that much lately but we are talking now we needa haanng reaall sooon and your nice and funny and your rreall pretty ;) xxx
ur miint good to talk to and prety dece i want to get to no u more tho x
i miis talking to you ur miint and really nice should text me :)xx
Jaaak replied
4169 days ago
your pretty miint i dont really no you but you seem nice :)x
Thoughts on Emma Bunn
shes cool as miint to talkin to and she has a great personality we needa hang soon though :) x
Jaaak replied
4169 days ago
You seem cool havnt realy talked to you that much tho
Your cool as we used to be pretty close at primary but now we never talk and your pretty funny would be great to start talkin to you again (:
Jaaak replied
4171 days ago
Your pretty dece and you seem reall nice (:
who you like
Jaaak replied
4178 days ago
your so cute<3
Aw mail me xx
Jaaak replied
4183 days ago
Thoughts on Carissa and janaea bby xx
Carrisa- shes really cool and she is good to talk to shes reall nice and shes in my drama clas
Janaea- shes amazing i like talking to her shes so cute i like her shes really nice and shes pretty (:
Jaaak replied
4186 days ago
Your mint i actual miis you were were so close at primary now we hardly talk but ur really nice and fubny :) xx
Your miint we dont talk anymore though and we need hang xxx
haa gaaaaayyyyyyyy!
You are
Jaaak replied
4187 days ago
Haha your nice pretty cool to talk to we havnt talked that much lately pretty keen to hang with u more and your funny (;
Your nice miint to talk to you can hold a conversation your real pretty youve gotts great personality (: xx
Thoughts on me chuur Jennygee
Your funny as your really nice i allways get you and your sister mixed up haha was peetty funny when your bag got stuck in the tree
I loved you for such a long time and all you ever did was hurt me and disappoint me with your bull****.... Ovbiously our friendship meant nothing to you :/
Mail me :/
Jaaak replied
4187 days ago
Why weren't you at school today mister? Tut tut!!
Im too cool
Why does it come up saying report violation on all your questions and stuff?
It does it with everyone i think
Jaaak replied
4192 days ago
I have a huuuge crush on you!!
Aw mail me (;
Jaaak replied
4192 days ago
thooooughhhts(; x sanax0x
Really kwl mint to talk to and your pretty dece ;)xx
Just the other day you liked Mikayla? Man *****. Janaes to good for you.
Mikayla didnt evan like me from the start and she doesnt evan like me anymore so whats the point
Jaaak replied
4193 days ago
Who do u like ?
Tayor andjanaea
Jaaak replied
4193 days ago