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Kiora Bit**, felling friendly today aren't yah ? Very polite x
Umm I don't think I can answer that because I have learnt so much from all my coaches, and I thank them all for everything they have done for me ! Without them I wouldn't be where I am today, so thanks coaches ! (:
Maybe if I met the guy ! Haha, but by what she tells me, he seems like a pretty amazing dude ! And I really want to meet my bestfriend/sisters boy, but I know he's gonna be a cool guy ! (:
Love you too mace, haha x
Haha, raspberry jam or strawberry jam ? I prefer raspberry, just saying x
Sup dawg, ilz to the hilz losertron !
Cam, I can blame that on the hair colour, even though I'm hardly blonde ! Haha
Go for the under dog, my money's on the turtle, little guy got it all day ! Haha
With out a doubt (:
Love you too, so kind <3