The first time I saw you I literally fell in love with you and I didn't know you had a girlfriend but now that you have dumped her, wanna raz?
Who's this
Did u break up with ur gf cause u liked some1 else
Populest girl group at your school?
Year 7?
omg your going to ask makenzi out at your party!!??? so exciting
omg, why would u cheat on kenz!? I seriously thought u 2s were cutest!! I can't believe u did this to her, I could imagine how she's feeling right now!
I didn't cheat on her?
ur so gay, u dumped a really hot girl!! now that u dumped her she is GON be MINE
Good job
I know u still love kenz, and if u do lover why woold u brake up with her? it's easy to tell u still love her
I broke up with her for a reason because I didn't like her you twat
wood u Eva brake up with ur gf
You're gay
Msg me on kik. Jack_gweedo
Kenzie is having thoughts about breaking up with you (just a heads up) - her cousin
what do you like about Kenz most??
makenzi Davie sounds pretty good ;)
I think your mean sometimes now u have a gf :(
Whos this msg me on kik
You and Makenzi are so f***king ugly together and yous need to dumb each other!!
You mad
I see you got qooh me
Your ****ing whipped!
who do u wanna celbrate knew years eve with?
My fam
Your so umpopular
Who's this
Thoughts on Jaide Larkman
Funny can get a little annoying tho
Thoughts on Tahli Williames
Nice funny cool
Kenz is ****ing hot she will be my girl soon just wait and see!
Haha righto