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No one knows the real me.. I've always had another side of me which everyone's been seeing... I'm sick and tired of everything that goes shi* in my life... I want a new fkn start
I've always wanted it cause it would be good
Cause it's what I've wanted
Just made my year
Not going to post that on here :P
That they like someone
Never saw it coming but it was good!
Something my friend told me about her and the way she feels
Hooking up with someone and my birthday
Umm I like someone again and i really dunno why and I've found my happy place
That gives too much away
She goes to my school
Text or inbox me and I'll tell you
Not going to say that
Well that's the dream! Gotta find a broad before that
Two boys cause I can see them compete and one girl so she can be my little princess
Umm very close to me tbh
Deffs do.. Two boys and a girl
One that makes me happy and isn't afraid to do what she wants, can chill alot, wants cuddles
No I have not
I'm special
Because it's privacy :P
Yeah others before me!
She knows who she is.. I'm not going to name names
But aren't and never will be
My dreams aren't important to me
Cuddles and for someone to fix me
I can't wait for some alone time with someone to have some fun
The memories of my nana and what she told me before she died
Lying, cheating, smoking, drugs
Neck kissing, rubbing up on me, feeling me, cute kisses
Because they all deserve their own dreams to come true
The ability to make people's dreams come true
Yes we definitely should c:
Unfortunately no but I want a gf tho
Not sure but it would have to be recognition of the work I put into my footy club at the BnF night
Hugging someone after not seeing them in ages
People who keep telling me shi* and never fkn do it... Also people who say they care and they would do anything and then never actually do anything! Don't wanna try just tell me instead of leading me on..
No haven't been the same since I was 10 so nope no where near it
There's a missing piece to me I know there is and I just wish I knew how to fill it, but that's the hardest thing I find is to find and place missing pieces and place them back to where they belong and it's nearly impossible to do
Idk tbh not really one thing so yeah
Getting a gf, I just want one person to call mine and treat like a princess and to spend time with and all..
And one other thing but that's secret
With her smile, and that she's happy now
Two things
Karly and the fact that I care about someone so much but they never ever show they do to me but I keep running back
Who the f*** are you? All big and tough behind a screen aren't ya! You don't know what I've done with a chick... So what if I forever friend zoned, I know that I'm respected more than you will be mate.. So while I'm treating girls right and being a friend whom doesn't wanna hurt them you can go treat girls like an as*hole and see how far that gets you in life!
Alright sounds good!
Whenever suits I guess
Haha you sure.. Need to know ya name to add it to the list :p
Well I don't know whom this is so I'm not going to say yes or no until I know who it is :P
Ooh well depends on who you are!
Yes we should! What would you be interested in doing?
1v1 me bro
Jem and Karly <3
Oh I can't wait ;) ;)
Beat dropping
Noooo I'm not!
No sweat you needed it :-)
Haha everything ;)?
Oh ;) ;) ;) love you too winky
Moist cause its a good but bad word to describe everything
Be with my friends and talk to them :3
I'd rather hare but I guess a bit of rabbit with mustard sounds good
Thank but I do not see it one bit..
Why thank you means a lot xox
A girl ^.^
No I'm not, far from being okay as well
Seeing Karly like this and knowing I can't do anything and that I won't be good enough for some people
When you can't do anything to help a friend in need and you just feel helpless
My day has been great! Caught up with an old mate
A great personality and eyes'!
Cheating and lying
A girl who has been on my mind for months on end!
A long time
Yes she sure does
Can't say!
The person I like knows but inbox me and I might tell ya whom it is
When I'm lied too and when my friends are hurt and I can't help
My friends they make me so happy!
Loosing people close to me
She is beautiful, has the best personality, easy as to get along with... Just an overall amazing person... Great as* too
I look out and put friends first
Easy going
And I'm pretty active
My thinking
Easily angered at times
There are no words to explain how much she means to me! And how good of a person she is in general! I love her to bits!
Yes I have twice
Dogs cause cats are vermin
What kinda cheese?
Aww love you too <3