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Jack Scanlon



253 Replies



Jackscano replied 3808 days ago

Best girl friends?

Probs g reaper

Jackscano replied 3808 days ago

Your a great kid jack, your just rude sometimes, work on it.

Nahhhh don't like me s*ck it

Jackscano replied 3808 days ago

Have you ever been drunk? Or had alcohol?


Jackscano replied 3908 days ago

Hottest 1 from
8a 8b 8c 8d

Jordan, Amy, Baz, Georgia

Jackscano replied 3939 days ago

Don't worry lad I don't blame you, year 8 chicks at braemar are either f***ing ugly or try hard slu*s
You girls that are getting so worked up about his favourites are just clearly pissed off that you're not one of them
Have a lovely day xx

Awww thanks bubba! ❤❤

Jackscano replied 3961 days ago

Jack you have the best mates and you don't need to Change you have a lot of friends then what they think

Thanks bby

Jackscano replied 3966 days ago

Oh golly!
No were just biffles, ☺️ emilymconn


Jackscano replied 3970 days ago

So you like no year 8 girls at braemar?

Pretty much.

Jackscano replied 3970 days ago

Why do you always say your Married to Emily Conn? Do youse have a thing or something?

Hahah nah! When we were like 4 my older sister and her older brother made us get married.

Jackscano replied 3970 days ago

Your actually the biggest f***ing ***hole. You used to be an alright guy but now your just a stuck up prick. Maybe if you put an effort in to have some more friends other then just Richo and Lakey people would like you more. Your just f***ing rude.

Big words anon. Lol. The reason I don't have friends, like you probably, is because you have no balls to say anything unless its anon. Richo Lakey or anyone of me 'friends' would say it to their face

Jackscano replied 3970 days ago

How can you have top ten favourite girls if you don't talk to girls? What are girls? Love the only girl you should like, Meg Scanlon who doesn't have for obvious reasons.

Hhahha thanks meg

Jackscano replied 3970 days ago 1

s*ck my Dic* anon. Clearly your the twat if your bagging him out on an anonymous site. Tbh why do you even give a f*** if he doesn't have favourite girls in year 8. You over protective mut.


Jackscano replied 3970 days ago

all I hear is hamish and ruby talking about you and her hooking up. are you two going too hah

Ask one of them?

Jackscano replied 3970 days ago

Shut up, no one cares about your opinion.


Jackscano replied 3972 days ago