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Jacob Shelton


\"profit\" - ghandi probably, 2014

568 Replies

ive got to be the last person to find out about you and chloe but I'm actually devastated, i legit was inlove with you guys you were the most beautiful couple :(

Just because we're broken up doesn't mean we're both not the absolute best people you've ever met physically and socially No, but really, thankyou. I kind of forget people don't know, I don't really know how to tell people in a decent way so a lot of people found out a long while after. Thank you though!

Jacob_Shelton replied 3559 days ago

Hey buddy keandoggah


Jacob_Shelton replied 3564 days ago

What happened between you two?

Nothing in particular, but we're not dating any more

Jacob_Shelton replied 3598 days ago

Are you srill dating chloe

Jacob_Shelton replied 3599 days ago

finance is gonna go over the head of the majority of year 7s and 8s man

Looking at some of the formulas, you're absolutely not wrong...but I'm sure they could teach something finance based, even just helping to explain resumes and things like that, I dunno

Jacob_Shelton replied 3609 days ago

"why not a business subject?" They do, it's called business management. Don't you have it at your school?

We do, it's just not compulsory. I just reckon we should have something slightly, maybe instead of geography. I mean I'm not dismissing geography but I feel like everyone needs to know how to manage money, whereas geography only really helps a very select few people. cha feeeel

Jacob_Shelton replied 3609 days ago

What Would You Do If You Woke Up The Opposite Gender ?

Knowing me, go back to sleep for another few hours

Jacob_Shelton replied 3612 days ago

What do you think is the most useless class in high school?

englis becus we alrdy no english rly well so like why are they still teachin us???????

Jacob_Shelton replied 3621 days ago

A memory you want to forget ?

Meeting Jimmy Macneil

Jacob_Shelton replied 3625 days ago

African americans were infact slaves in the 19th century. In 1865 congress fixed the amendment to make it illegal. Your anons are ****ing retarded. oscarmp

Thanks lanky <3

Jacob_Shelton replied 3626 days ago

african americans werent slaves in the 19th century you weird moron

Yes, but people don't just instantly not be racist after the 13th amendment. I'm not replying to you after this, you're wrong.

Jacob_Shelton replied 3628 days ago

im not talking **** but im interested to know why you think that

You know slaves were tortured right? If you, as a woman of the 21st century, are even so much as denied entry to a basic restaurant because of your gender once in a single life I will admit defeat. But it's not happening. *exism is a horrible thing. But don't compare it to African-Americans in the 19th century. Ever

Jacob_Shelton replied 3628 days ago

You are actually a ****ing idiot. You used to be so bright but now I'd be ashamed to even be seen with you. You shouldn't be comfortable with the way you behave.

You're the one abusing people on anonymous, not me :')

Jacob_Shelton replied 3628 days ago omfg read up on ur **** gaycob u r nerd get hardscop3d how dare you do you know what it is like being an african american jewish vegetarian transgender teen in 2015 ur so mean. #thinprivelige

That has got to be the dankest meme I have been hardscoped by in a long time, fkn gtfo noob go get ur final stand last stand n00b tube scavenger tac insertion kit out on rust

Jacob_Shelton replied 3629 days ago

Is it true that you like making little kids cry? chloegoodridge

I genuinely don't love anything more

Jacob_Shelton replied 3630 days ago