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jade burgess


Ask me anything you like anonymously

6 Replies

Why do you think the loves of my life aint hot? kristay

Coz they not :p ^_^

JadeScottKennedy replied 4574 days ago

U so weird. Get a lyf. Emo!

You are a ganado, therefore I do not appreciate your ganadoish comment. And when you get a dictionary and learn how to spell, then get back to me ^_^

JadeScottKennedy replied 4583 days ago

Who are you dating currently

My imaginary friend, the Wise Orange ^_^

JadeScottKennedy replied 4583 days ago

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Kind, Car-razy, gamer?

JadeScottKennedy replied 4583 days ago

Hey do u know who yumnah likes? And if she still likes bully?

I have NO idea, sorry :) but I don't think she still likes Bulli

JadeScottKennedy replied 4583 days ago

Guess who is this nigga!! I'm the first one to post a 'question' but this isn't a question but any who!! I'm so awesome guess guess and I'm one of your best friends!! Guess nigga what you waitn for!!

Krisy or Tarshia? ^_ ^

JadeScottKennedy replied 4583 days ago 1