What do you think of Shante Greyling? shante.greyling
Shante is a young talented beautiful girl who shows her potential in many different ways she's a very good friend to
What do you think of Shante ?? ?
I think shante is a smart beautiful birl who has alot of potential and braveness but she lets sad emotional things he to her and it makes me sad to see that she is hurt by somthing she can fight
What's the dumbest rumour you've ever heard about yourself?
The dumbest rumor I have ever heard was when I was at the park the whole day and one of my friends said I stole her money at 1 o clock while I was at the park
What do you owe yourself?
That's a pretty hard question but I think I owe myself my life ....
Who is your best friend ?
I don't actually have besties bec when I do they either stab me in the. Back or use me for some reason
What are you afraid of ?
I'm afraid of being left behind after God comes and fetches his children