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Don't think about that yet
Cycling swimming nd being with m friend
Jiip :))
Nope why???
Oz sal moet wag en sien ek dink hys 'n keeper*
Mmm goeie friend partykeer dink sy dat s als weet en baie leka geselskap
Almost losing m best friend over a stupid boy*
Niemand........ Taken by the best nd don't care about the rest*
Hahahahaha.....Weeti ekt ni so gekyk ni
Nope ek hou ni rrg so baie van soet gd ni eks mal oor chips*
Te veel eks nou verlief op iemand baie oulik*
Nope hyt net mooi oe
I have lots........can't choose =D
Want ekt ni mee van hom gehou ni en nog 'n rede wat net ek en oz meisies weet
Love You to Mwa!!*
Umm danQ se m wies j op bbm asb!
Coz I love him di was 2013-09-20 by Adriaan se party di was die awesomeste aand ooit.
I'll say Jennifer and Megan!*
There i this one girl that annoys me and m other friends but I'm getting over it other than her there's no one els*
Yes I am in love with a very special someone
Nee hy klink ni bekend ni.......hkm???
Hey hey.....ek kom agter ekt baie nicknames =D