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Don't be a hater❤

461 Replies

Hope you doing okay
Jk no I don’t I hate you 😹🤮

Instead of being a coward by hiding your name and hiding behind a screen all day , why don’t u say it with confidence and show your name or an even better idea why don’t u say this to my face and see what happens 🙃 replied 1567 days ago

You’ve grown into such a beautiful young lady im proud of who u have become 🥺 miss you loads little sister ! ❤️

Thank you 🥺 . I miss you more big brother ❤️😢 replied 1569 days ago

Do you still talk to Enrico?

Enrico who ?
- If it’s Enrico from Benoni , we hardly talk we really only spoke once or twice at school
- If it’s Enrico from EG Jansen then no we haven’t spoken since like last year actually replied 1569 days ago

we got told you gave your virginity up to onto

Who is Onto ? who is we ?
🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮 replied 1592 days ago

Top 5 good looking guys in matric

Ahhh I don’t know 😂 only know a few guys in matric and they all really good friends so I’d never be able to look at them that way 😂😂🤞 replied 1601 days ago

Do U ever answer everything that people ask and why do u or why don’t u ?

I really do try and answer all the questions , but some people go over bored and ask way to personal questions that I’m not 100% comfortable with answering cause it’s way deeper then what they ask . replied 1619 days ago

Just wanted to say you have a nice b**ty

Thanks 😂 replied 1619 days ago

Would you get back with any of your exs

Uhm idk 😐 😂 replied 1621 days ago

Single 😂

Yea replied 1621 days ago


Hey 👀 replied 1624 days ago

You should really go online more often

Maybe lol 😂 replied 1624 days ago

You’ve been through so much hell and people continually hurt you it’s really not okay I genuinely feel so bad for u I wanna hug you and tell you that it’s okay to be hurt and to not force a smile 24/7 for other people I want you to know that it’s okay

I lowkey cried 🥺 This means a lot too me 😫 I really needed to hear that , please message me so we can make this happen ❤️🤞🥺 replied 1637 days ago

Tbh I think ur beautiful wanna get to know u us own ?

Dm me and send me this screen shot or I won’t answer 😂🙈 replied 1639 days ago

How old is u

17 in March replied 1639 days ago

What happened between you and columbia

Lmao nothing we still friends 😂 replied 1639 days ago