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Jacob parsons


And.... Go

174 Replies

vanessa wants to s*ck your dck really badly ?

Uhh okay nah... I ain't like that ?✋

Jake.d.p replied 3199 days ago

What is the most expensive thing you own ?

Probably. My boxing gloves

Jake.d.p replied 3203 days ago

What do you want most out of life?

Finally be as happy as I deserve

Jake.d.p replied 3219 days ago

If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok ?


Jake.d.p replied 3221 days ago



Jake.d.p replied 3236 days ago

Who do you look up to and why ?

No one. I don't aim to be people. I'm me that's it

Jake.d.p replied 3241 days ago

What's under your bed?

The boogey man btch

Jake.d.p replied 3247 days ago

Best compliment you ever received ?

That I have a really good jaw line

Jake.d.p replied 3258 days ago

What's the worst thing you've ever done?

Rather not say

Jake.d.p replied 3263 days ago

ur statuses crack me up

Which statuses? Ahah

Jake.d.p replied 3272 days ago

Why should people love you ?

Because... I'm naturally fcking awesome

Jake.d.p replied 3272 days ago

Thoughts x vanessa.hinds

Very nice, good to talk to, pretty interesting convos aha, nice personality and a cutie should talk more at school tho :) x

Jake.d.p replied 3272 days ago 1

Who was your first crush ?

I'll tell you if you inbox me

Jake.d.p replied 3275 days ago

Who was the last person to break your heart ?

That sht was broken ages agoo can't remember

Jake.d.p replied 3275 days ago

How do you deal with a break up ?

wouldnt know

Jake.d.p replied 3304 days ago