Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Colgate coz hes a dumb ****
Always have 2 btches on the go.
Not my ex i can tell you that much :')
She was shoving a yabbie up her v***** so she could walk around with the claws hanging out :')
Myself coz im reliable and i dont fckup.
Coz shes a btch
Nothing i am the son of chuck norris the oppistie $ex envies me
Ask her and i dumped her lol if you didnt get that
You got a thing against gays???
Thats just me...
Names stiffy
Why so many questions bout my x
I broke up with her coz she never made me ***..... but ask her she loved every second...
Well i dunno bout banging thats harsh :') shes not in the good books though haha she doesnt know what the suicide squad is :'')
I dunno you tell me...
Subway toasties....
Used deepheat instead of lube with a chick? :') nahh just kidding
a gf thats as crazy as me :')
I have a fcking sac in the morning omfg :(
Who dis? :')
Your dcks gunna split me open :')
Your a lively girl who totes wants the d ;)
Spastic as fck
I miss my friends from year 9 :( good old brooky and and amber and michelle :)
Beautiful friend ;)
Galaxy S2
Trying to get in with stupid hoes???
Which girl i can trust.
My future wife ;)
Codex finger nail
mas******* till it wore off :')
He heeee Pingers ;)
Yesturday.. because she still loved me
Somethinf not yet
Nothing im perfect.
Probably last time i yawned sneezed or i dunno?
I know they werent ;)
Yeah i do ill fight for that friendship and no you cant take my place :)
Im touched spud ;) but no thanks ;)
Who is this sending these
Inbox me? :)
Your fab your weird but ya know the good weird ;) i like talking to you i dunno if you do ummmm you give "okay" hugs but i swear you can do better ;) ummm your incredibly attractive dont know why must be in the genes your supergirl but well im better then you coz im batman ;) your the pretty cool gal and you not afraid to go on the extreme rides at the show ;) uuuummmm when fast and the furious 7 comes out you should buy tickets and then ask me out ;) id buy the popcorn and drinks? ;)
Ferrari but id sell it and buy a 4x4
2 of 18 jess lee jess roberts jess lee dosnt put effort in to talking to me and jess robert is a cutie and im waiting on a photo of us :)
What thoughts?
She'll probably read this later ;)
All i ever wanted was you ;)
#friendzoned #heartbroken #dead
Wait you saying you love me? :') (tears of joy)
Love ya spuddy ;)
I wish ;) your the only cooked potato here bub ;)
I wish this was actually the you i would love you in a heartbeat :)
Come hug me i miss you :)
Kayla your fab come hug me :)
I dunno shes fab :)
I dont know their playing me...
Cant remember you sorry who are you ;)
The girl i lovw :)
My beard ;)
Your really nice really cute you dont shut up thats a good quality you talk about good things when we talk ;) and your really attractive but you always seem to be at a party? ;) your my beautiful friend ;)
The girl i love :)
A girlfriend :)
Im an allstar remix :)
Yep i just asked her to come stay with me for new years....
All i can say is :) your fab ;)
Not a life obviously ...
If i can move that fast im superman which means ill just catch it :')
Why does it matter? :) i love her and unless your taylor swift i Will continue liking her :)
Ask yourself what did you do to break my heart?
R why does it even matter to you?
My body i guess :) people have been saying that lately :)
She tells me?
Theirs these 2 redheads that are just stunning :) but if i look at you and you see fireworks go of in my eyes i guess you could say if i could have you i would but your just to good for me :) the girl i like though... hah she doesnt want me she has no idea how much i love her.
To die thinking that i have achieved my goals
Good christmas presents :)
Well have you ever been cuddling someone you like and then you realize you have their fountation and makeup all over your face? :)
Youre sick as man cant wait to play with the team this year :)
I dunno your pretty cool i guess but its always irrating as when you say you cant hangout coz your grounded orrr your in a wheel chair and all that :)
That theyd stop being my friend and start being my girlfriend ;)
Kissing under the stars with fireworks in the background :*
Haha if i publicly anounced this she wouldnt be happy with me :)
The girl i like ;)
Hehe she loves me but she dosnt wanna date me? ;)
If she hated me.
My **** looks better the you **** get your munted face off my before i **** you up.
Yeah k