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Jake Alcock



1.3k Replies

Who are you currently ignoring and why?

Colgate coz hes a dumb ****

JakeAlcock replied 2851 days ago

How did you meet your best friend ?


JakeAlcock replied 2979 days ago

What is the best piece of advice you've ever gotten?

Always have 2 btches on the go.

JakeAlcock replied 2992 days ago

What have you never truly gotten over?

Not my ex i can tell you that much :')

JakeAlcock replied 2995 days ago

What's the weirdest thing you've caught someone doing?

She was shoving a yabbie up her v***** so she could walk around with the claws hanging out :')

JakeAlcock replied 2995 days ago

Who is your favorite person and why?

Myself coz im reliable and i dont fckup.

JakeAlcock replied 3023 days ago

Why are you ignoring the person you're ignoring right now?

Coz shes a btch

JakeAlcock replied 3047 days ago

What do you envy about the opposite $ex?

Nothing i am the son of chuck norris the oppistie $ex envies me

JakeAlcock replied 3060 days ago

Your x didn't dump you because she never made you come stop lying

Ask her and i dumped her lol if you didnt get that

JakeAlcock replied 3062 days ago

stop being gay

You got a thing against gays???

JakeAlcock replied 3062 days ago

out of ten u r -5


JakeAlcock replied 3062 days ago

how come u r so gay

Im not ...

JakeAlcock replied 3062 days ago

why are u so weird

Thats just me...

JakeAlcock replied 3062 days ago

why is your name alcock

Names stiffy

JakeAlcock replied 3062 days ago

did your girlfriend break up with you because ur weird

Why so many questions bout my x

JakeAlcock replied 3062 days ago