J a l a s e r
Deowandre something × ?
Jullies ???
Damn!!??? Why are you sooooooooooo mooi?????
I cant deal no more??
You so damn beautiful????
Day has been made??
Thank you ☉☉
jy is baie mooi hoor
Ever had you first kiss?
If not , planning on having one?
Ever smoked weed?
If not planning on?
Nope? idk, I can't plan it??
Nope and nopee?
Thank you soo much??
Means soo much!??
Hi it’s Jodi ☺️????
Oh woww heyyy???
So are you telling me that there's not a single person in your family that hasn't called black people the K word or spoken badly about them?
I don't take responsibility for any of their words. If they have then it's on them, but I know that they will not all black people the 'k' word cause we wouldn't like to be called the 'h' word. Once again, please don't be a stereotype and put all coloureds into one box and think that we are all the same in every way xx
Maybe i don't wanna qooh you?
Thanks for spending your time on qoohing me??❤
You know what I don't get about some coloureds? Some of you literally have the same hair, skin tone and noses as black people but still hate black people and they've done nothing to you ?
I'd like to correct you on that, because not all coloureds are like that. In fact majority aren't. Maybe you've had a bad experience , but please don't stereotype ☉
and you looking beautiful in your recent
Thank you so much ?
can i ask you a favour plz ?
stop lookin so beautiful you gonna make my heart explode your.boi.aya
Thank you xx
If I DM you and would like to get to know you better would you answer and send me your number?
Sure x
do you have to be so darn beautiful
Day made??
You are so beautiful ! ❤️? (From the grade 10 that dances with you in the passages ? )
You are absolutely stunning and verry special!!❤❤❤❤❤
Least favourite thing
When people think that they are better than others and are rude and judgemental for no reason.
What made you happy today? 100+
Morning messages ??
Your hot
Hot and dangerous, if you wanna roll ,then roll with us?♩♩?
Thank you lol??
If i dm will you show
Why not show your feet. Its just feet
Dm me then?
Why you obsessive to see my feet??
whats international evening about
It's an evening at school where they sell food from "different countries " and social at school after school?? ?
Please please please can i see your feet through dm
Who are you????
Please can i see your feet
What shampoo and conditioner do you use?
Either TRESemmè or Garnier Ultimate Blends xx
Can i see your feet
What face wash and mosturiser do you recommend?
I'm not sure , but once you find out
Let me know tooooo??
Opinion on foot fetishes
Uhm well, I don't get why they would have a fetish for feet , but I guess they will????
eyy leg-brace you are very beautiful
Heyyo? thank you xx
Dm me please xx
What do you normally eat for breakfast and lunch on a daily basis?
Well since I'm at hostel, we get different things each morning
Who is the most famous person you have met?
Met.. Matthew Mole,I think?
But seen Justin Bieber??
wanna be my valentine
Dm me?☉
As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?
So tell me about yourself, what do you do all day besides looking good?
Aww thats soo sweet xx
If I could be anything in the world I would want to be a tear drop because I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
Can you send me a picture? My friends don’t believe that angels exist.
Cuteee xx
you are so pretty like you don't even realize
Starting my day happy ??
Thank you soo much xx
Your awesome tho x
Thank you soo much!❤
I'm sure you are too xx
That girl who you layed on the hill with on the beach?
Stalker ? jokes xx
It was Sachin❤
Who's that girl with that black swimming costume
Plans for 2018?
Having fun and being the best me I can be ❤
How old are you?
15 in 7 days?
what would you say if i maybe fancy you
I'd say dm me??
well if you say you look like an umpalumpa then i'd rather date an umpalumpa the any person
You made my day once again xx
Please dm me xx
if our lips were 2cm close from each other what would you do
Probably move back, cause you will feel claustrophobic ??❤
Would you kiss someone if you lost a bet with them?
I don't think so xx
I don't want my first kiss just so??
excuse me
why are you
so cute?
My day has been made xx
Your probably the cutiee herself/ himself??
do you like any one in york
I like many people??
Jokes not in that wayy xx
Who of the grd8s u know r gng to York this year? And who are you excited to see?
Im not really sure who's going, but I'm excited to see Siya xxx
in your story , why do you like scrathing out your face because you very beautiful
Aww thank you xxx
Well in the pictures I put on, I look like an umpalumpa ,but I still wanna capture the moment and don't wanna hurt people's eyes??
What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?
Idk, I get pretty nice guests xx?
Gorgeous , you are ❤???
Thanks bubs❤
I'm sure you are too??
fck you ?
I know you want to??
What would you do if i kissed you??out of the random
I'd probably be freaked out???
You're really pretty ✨???
Thanks love?
I'm sure you are too??
You're really pretty ✨???
Thanks love?
I'm sure you are too??
Sad to see that you don't really care when you've lost friends.
I do care?
But I just had to realise that some people aren't my real friends and that I should watch who I let into my life??
It’s sad to see how we’ve just drifted apart?
I think I know who this is ?
And it is really sad and I'm not sure how we can regain our bond , but we can always try❤?
What is the worst decision you ever made?
Caring what other people say, instead of being mee?
kinda miss our friendship, but everything happens for a reason so uhm jaa ?
Thanks for the 6 years of friendship that we had ?
Why are coloured people so racist? In some cases you're worse than white people! You are not better than black people or anyone for that matter
No sorry boo boo, not all coloured people are racist ?
If you still have a problem , ask your creator then?❤
What did your last relationship teach you?
Haven't dated before?
You're on a balcony. You notice two sets of fingers grabbing the edge of the floor. Walking up and peeking over the railing, there's a robber dangling below you. What do you do? (assuming it's not super high)
I'm not actually sure??
He really likes you ?
Dm on who it is?
You very pwetty Manaser??, I think you know who I am??.
You are the pretty one, my poobear❤??
Wannie ?
Don't know him well, But he seems nice?
what turns you off someone?
Someone who is cocci?
My crazy naked girlfriend ue4t3. tk tiffanyfn237
Please stop now?
He likes you ?
Who might this be??
do you like rainbows?
Who doesn't ????
Would you look at me? Go jxhotbox.stream kate51635
What is the longest running lie you have continued to tell?
I'm not sure ?
How about you help me name my puppy she's 2 months old ? ?
Idk I'm bad at this??
Hi! If you want to pull me on your stick, then message me where we can meet. Message there jxhotbox.top wendyfi606
No thanks?
Hi I'm love $ex. My contact here joy18cutegirl.men karinabe619
Please stop?
You and Shante G still friends?
If not why?
No we not?
Reasons why?
Brag about yourself. What are you really good at doing?
What you say on your qooh page these days is true ?
We must lam together in Dec??
Dm me?
You can Shante G still friends?
If not why?
Confused on what your asking?
You are Gorgeous?❤
Thank you?
I think you too??
Do you miss anyone that's no longer your friend? shanteg.xx
Friendships end for a reason , so all that ended I believe is for the better?
Come and lets have fun xsweetxxhot.info kerrims383
Please stop?
Do you want to see me?:) alturl.com/5p72a chelseaya960
Dm me?
Michael j?
Whatever you want to think Michael???
What thing did you do that ruined a relationship/s?
Having trust issues ?
Hi all my photos and video here skc.name/u?xxdxss cindyq9324
No thanks.
My collection of hot videos here skc.name/u?xxdxss whitneyaz625
МУ Нot webcam see hеrе v.ht/sezxx dawn6j764
What's something you fell in love with instantly?
intials of one fake friend ?
It's fine?
I saw you at the strawberry festival?
Dm me?❤
Recent fear?
I think birds??
Worst friend you've ever had?
Don't think I can call any the worst, but I can call some fake?
What will you never ever do again?
Trust easily?
who do you like atm
you have yo say
You won't know?