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Ask me anything

51 Replies

What mistake will you never make again?

Trusting the wrong person

James.nteris replied 3029 days ago

If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Not sure

James.nteris replied 3035 days ago

You are offered a pill that makes you 25% more intelligent but permanently removes your hair including eyebrows. Do you take it?


James.nteris replied 3038 days ago

What was the best compliment you've ever received?

Can't remember

James.nteris replied 3041 days ago

How old will you be in 2030 ?

Old enough

James.nteris replied 3070 days ago

What was the best thing that happened to you today?

Not giving a single f

James.nteris replied 3085 days ago

What do you not feel like doing today?

No giving a single F#c*

James.nteris replied 3091 days ago

If you were God for a day, what would you do?

Not sure ???

James.nteris replied 3094 days ago

What are you obsessed with?


James.nteris replied 3096 days ago

When was the last time you got angry and why?

Last week cause I gave up on someone

James.nteris replied 3099 days ago

What or who has recently grabbed your attention and why ?

My mates cause they've all ways Been there for me no matter what !!??

James.nteris replied 3100 days ago

What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?

Hanging out with friends

James.nteris replied 3103 days ago

New years resolution?

Fresh start , whoever this inbox me ?

James.nteris replied 3106 days ago

It's Maegen..........and yeah we need to meet up soon. Not uni hill though ???

Well I leave tomorrow and why do u wanna meet up ??!!!, inbox me if u need to talk !!

James.nteris replied 3106 days ago 3 1

How did you meet your bestfriend ?


James.nteris replied 3107 days ago