Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
For me to know and u to find out
sht they don't fcking need. Get the essentials
Soon. Message me privately and I will tell them when
This girl. Seeing her soon
16 turning 17??
See a smile on other people's faces. It just moves me
She is cool. But no I like this other girl. Who is This?
Only have one option and she knows who she is. Because she is just so God dam amazing
Options for What??
Not at school going to an aviation school soon
Funny. Cute. Sporty. Good sense of humour.
Yah. It has and till is. Who is this?? DM me
Don't know. And don't really want to say on here. DM me
Yes I am pissed off because people don't know how to forget about the past and move on
No too young
Well not too young
Nothing at all
Idk to be honest
She is fun
Sorry don't know who u are. If u want $ex i knownthats are people that are standing waiting for u
Me and myself
Because we are friends. U know h can have friends that are far away right??
That is private information. So DM if u really want to know
She is a really good friend. She is funny. Sadly she lives so far away
I need about $15000 for fun
Who is this. DM me and I will tell you
What do u mean
Yes. I absolutely like her. I would do anything for her to see that. Even if it meant helping her out with another guy than that's what it has to be. All I want is for her to be happy. Nothing else. My happiness doesn't matter when she is happy because that just shows that my sacrifice is making everyone happy. Anna I really like u
Yes I do. Hasler
Patrick. Selina. Saniya. Amelia.
In year 10?? Anna, Maya, saniya, there are more
Twinnny. U are such a weirdo u knoe that
Maja. Hana and ili
I would like to bring back Amelia because she made school fun. But there are lots of people i would love to bring back. Why who is this??
DM and I will tell u
No I don't. DM
DM me to find out
Depends how old. DM me and let's talk
I really am not
Why what did i do???
Can I be him by James Aurther
That's for me to know and u to find out
The world
Dm me
Dm me and I will tell u
Short course it is a 30 flat
Long course it is a 30.95
This amazing girl. Yah we are. But sadly live far away from each other
An amazing girl
What the fck are u talking about. Luke who?? I have never liked men and will never like men. If you do that is fine but I dont
I dont know. Pro
I have no idea. Probably my boat or jet ski
Dm me and I will tell u
No idea
Yah he used to go to BMIS. Why?
No. They are over rated
Thank you. Dm and I will tell you
Dm me and I will tell u
Because if this amazing girl
Don't listen to bullsht from bullsht people
When people have nothing good to say and just bullsht about me
Yah. But idk for how long???
Can't say
U sure??
Yah i do because u didn't hide your name??
Yah it was something going around. It was a joke but I might actually be moving soon but idk where
Sorry can't say
No I am not. She is an amazing friend tho
Sorry but I don't want to say
She told me to keep it a secret. We aren't together so I don't want to tell people yet. She means everything to me.
Idk. It was negative a couple of days ago?? jk I am not tell u people
I can't say because it is a secret. But literally she mean the word to me. I love her for that
No why??
No I am not. I have the hair cut but I am not
Wtf. The is not true
Thanks boo. I love you more❤. I am sure no girl wants me. I don't even understand why and how you do??
Thank you.
No i dont have a gf.
This one girl. OMG!! Like i dont have the words to describe her. I dont think there are words that would tell you exactly how amazing and perfect and everything she is
Dont have any