James Saligari
Are you an Introvert, Extrovert or Abnovert?
bit of intro and extro i guess
What do you spend your money on the most ?
girls hahaha
What subjects do u THINK you'll do in VCE?
ummm idk i havent really thought that far ahead hahaha, maybe something to do with economics and maths or whatever
What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?
A body part you think you could do without ?
umm i like my body
Wow you're cool
lol this is probs connor or luke
What do you think is the most useless class in high school?
A memory you want to forget ?
Nah there r none
R u a try hard? (Excluding academics)
Only in everything haha
do you know any girls form plc?
Yeh y
Y are you thinking of deleting ur private?
I cbs using it but I'm not sure about it yet
What your fav place to go when you want to cry
I like almost never cry lol
Dream holiday destination ?
What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?
Life skills such as decision making and stuff because people do some pretty stupid ****
Who's the best musician in your yeat level?
Not sure
Name one really gud one at least
I actually don't know maybe emre
Who's the best musician at ur school?
Idk there are a few
Did you have a valentine?
Google translate says this says happy new year... Bit late don't u think
What does your perfect day look like?
Hanging with my mates
Who ever is giving James s h i t should legit f u c k off and kill themselves
Cheers mate
There is ky on someone's face just sayin
And I care how
What's the lowest percentage/ grade you've ever gotten on a test? Answer truthfully
52% for chinese lol
What have you always wanted ? Did you ever get it ?
1 billion bucks but that's probs not gonna happen
Y is the link to this not in ur bio??
It's in my priv cause I got too much hate on my main
You were wrong and then one day it just got bad so I broke up with her. Why are you so excited about it you sick bastard
Guess you and Maddy aren't going so well...
We broke up
What are you allergic to?
Who do u envy? No one is not a sufficient answer btw
Charles li cause he doesn't even have to try at tests he just aces them
What has wasted your time the most this year ?
You say that you 'want at least one pic on ur snap story' but even without the condescending 'im bored' picture of a wall, you still have like 3 pictures. Y do u want the attention?
I just want to fill up my snap story, and I don't really do it for attention it's ocd
Lamborghini or Ferrari?
Who was ur first kiss with?
doesn't matter
Your a loner you never have anyone to talk to and your always bored you sound so desperate all the time asking for people to talk you you get a life
lol i post that when i know that theres nothing else to post and i want to at least have one pic in my snap story, so yeah don't judge, and if you have the time to make this comment i think you should get a life.
Fav girlfriend/ex
There's no real way to answer that cause my opinion is obvs bias at the moment
Was ur first kiss with maddy?
Your such an idiot your supposed to answer the questions not avoid them mate gosh you ahole m8
I'm answering them mate
Do you message maddy more than talk to her?
Ummm in total time yeah probably but that's cause it's hard to find a time to meet up cause I'm really busy
Name anyone you dated in the past ?
They know
Don't bro me you little pest
I'll bro anyone I want matee
What does ky mean
Look it up on urban dictionary matee
s*ck my **** ****
Umm no thanks
Don't reply with ky everytime someone speaks the truth.
I say ky because u want me to answer the questions truthfully. Plus it's not the truth bro
Such a gay cu nt
No go ky
You've got your fuken head stuck up your own ***hole
Ummm that's physically impossible for me so yeh go ky
You're so full of yourself
I try not to be but ok
You are the best friend ever you're so amazing
Gay cu nt flog dic khead
How about u learn some grammar and also ky u homophobic ****wit
If money was no object, what would you do all day?
Well neither of you are on each others bio anymore...
You obviously don't know relationships cause insta bios mean nothing
(From mystery person asking about maddy)
People say you have had fights and theres speculation
One wasnt really a fight and the second was about toy story so yeh, who r these people, dm me if u want
Ok im confused r u with maddy or not? Cause it sounds like u aren't or that u shouldn't be
I am with Maddy, what makes it sound like I'm not or shouldn't be?
Lol you and Maddy broke up
No we didn't what makes u think that
Fav pick up line?
I don't use any but my fav is "Did the fall from heaven hurt"
Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?
Charan cause he is the asian bear grylls
What’s my best physical feature?
I honestly have no idea probably my legs
The fact that the two sides to every single day of the year before the game and the rest of the day after the update is the only thing that would have to go back and I don't think that I have a great way of the day before I get a follow back on my way home?
I don't even know what you are trying to say
Play any instruments?
Used to play trumpet and piano and sometimes play but I dont do any lessons anymore.
Fav ice cream flavour
Salted caramel
What was your most recent dream about?
Getting eaten by a giant ant
What was your fight with Maddy about
The last one was about which Toy Story was better
Why isn't Maddy on your bio anymore
Lol cause I'm trying to work out what I should put in my bio, I'm experimenting
If your current gf broke up with you, would you get back with your previous gf (which I think is Bri)?
If Brie was my ex which she isn't, no, Im too happy with Maddy
What happened with you and your gf
What do u mean we r fine we just had a little fight
You fu cken gay c unt
Lol ky
No one likes you fuc ken fa ggot
Lol actually they do
What was your last dream about? This is qooh me for answering questions not to be lazy and say something to get out of answering it which isn't even the answer... Just answer the question
I can't remember it well enough to tell but trust me what I do remember is ****ed
What's your most embarrassing moment?
Cbs, it's too long to type but maybe if u dm me I'll tell u
Wow thought we were friends but ok... U obviously haven't told me or I forgot so what's your biggest regret?
Haha dm me
What was your last dream about ?
It was really ****ed
Rate yourself out of ten
Most embarrassing moment?
Too funny to tell
Biggest regret?
My friends know
Who is Marc murphy
The captain of Carlton
New Years resolutions?
None really
Who is your idol
Marc Murphy
I'm so confused... So who do u actually like!?!? Maddy or bri?!
I like Maddy u idiot, look at my bio, she's my gf
Yes you did, your answers to question 6+7 proves you were going out with her. Why are you lying?
I said I liked her, that doesn't mean I went out with her, who is this? Stop spamming me
Why did u say you weren't with bri earlier but even earlier you said that you were?
I never said I was with her
Weren't you with bri when you hooked up with Maddy though bro...
I was never with Brie
Did you and Maddy hook up at the party bro!?
Kiss, marry, kill
Ummm no...?
How did u and Maddy meet bro
If you had the opportunity to change house, but didn't have to, would you change to summons?
What house are you in for school? If you had to change which house would you change to?
I'm in bridgeland, I'd probably change to summons
If you were a polar bear, how many watermelons would be in the Chinese airport?
Who in your level at CGS do you wish to know more about?
Li Kang, cause he's the urbex king
Would u hook with Santa??
Ummmmm nooo
Whats 1 word to describe yourself?
Idk.... Amazing