Are any of the year eights okay on the eyes?
There all blind I think
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What do you think is the best feeling in the world?
Holding her wide open
Stop sending Taylor Rouke hate
f*** off trails
What would you leave in your will for the person you care about the most?
What is the thing you regret most in saying?
Don't mo
Hottest girls in year 8?
Year 8!?
Name some hot girls at your school?
There's only one.
what about desire
What about him
Hot girls?
Heaps going round
5 hottest girls from yr 8 9 10
Hmmmm dunno
how many chicks you put your tongue in webby
Too many to count
Do you just wheelie around on the rim?
Is this on me cr? Or crf?
So do you ride that cr500 with no muffler tip?
I ride with no muffler tip that is true
Can I impregnate you in your b**ty hole?!
You can try
Do you understand I mean hard
Listen hear Mate I understand
Your so fu'king hot xx
I get that a lot
Heard you have abs mate
All 8 of them
Honest opinion on desire Kelly? Would you s*ck her Dic*?
Mmm nah
No like really really hard
Why so shi* at coc
Lv 75 says it all mate
You a f***** looking c*nt and I'm going to belt the f*** through you tehe
Calm down nads
I want to f*** you so hard like really hard
All my friends think your hot as f***!! xx
are you f***ing gay? You really made this shi*
Sorry mom