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Jamie hogan


Just askk x

223 Replies

Jazmie remember that's your name in French ask my dad aye Danae.amelia


Jamiee.lee replied 3479 days ago

\/ and no nutty your not invited :) joking bro but deadset it a me an jamje kinda things so sozzy not sozzy you can't come. If you were lame that's ashame you can't hang with us :) ❤️ Danae.amelia


Jamiee.lee replied 3479 days ago 1

Well I'm going off here and I'll continue to snap you later as it is 3:52 at Melbs shiit forgot about that sorry babe my lolly pop will make up for that Yeh ❤️:) Danae.amelia

Well I woke up at 1:30 I think aahah

Jamiee.lee replied 3479 days ago 1

Babe I can change that right? Bc people wanna come to my candy shop and lick my lolly pop :) Man my candy shop would put the other candy stores outta biz bruh :) ❤️ Danae.amelia


Jamiee.lee replied 3479 days ago 1

Oh an hi ANON if it's the same Anon as mine do you wanna come to my candy store and lick my lolly pop ? ❤️ Need to know soon tho bubs thanks xxx Danae.amelia

I do ;)

Jamiee.lee replied 3479 days ago 1

Hey Jamie (jazmie) babe just wanted to let you know I think you fall asleep :( but good night/ good morning it's 2:47 and you have 19 snaps from me love you baby g❤️ Danae.amelia

Love you more baby:') jazmie? Hah

Jamiee.lee replied 3479 days ago 1

Anon please shut the **** up noone wants you here. Go **** yourself low life piece of **** VanessaLamxx

Thank yas❤️

Jamiee.lee replied 3482 days ago

Thoughts? Mia Nunn :))

Well I don't think you like me, ahah cause apparently I was stairing at you or something and if I did sorry I didn't mean to :') anyways we met at camp, we started talking for awhile but then we drifted ahha, cool to talk to, good as personality, pretty as and we should talk more :)!

Jamiee.lee replied 3482 days ago

Please don't go no one will want you there I'm shocked they invited you

Okayy :')

Jamiee.lee replied 3483 days ago

Who would you take a bullet for?

Alex & Danae, Vanessa and yeh most of my mates

Jamiee.lee replied 3483 days ago

Are u going to aces and wills party?


Jamiee.lee replied 3483 days ago

Didnt jade McRae move schools or states or something

Yeah and yeah, whyy?

Jamiee.lee replied 3483 days ago

Jamie you so pretty don't let anyone get to you because thy are just far f**s xx don't ask who I am you won't get an answer xx Also, thoughts on Jade McRae smoking dope

Awh thanks anon!! x Jade McRae smokes dope? Who gives an actual fuuck cause she's perfect and an amazing mate. I don't mind if she smokes it cause I don't change mates, I except them for who they are. :)

Jamiee.lee replied 3483 days ago

Anon you can't spell **** **** **** Jamie dosnt need makeup she is amazing the way she is you she isn't fat either so shut your ****ing mouth or I will kick it in. You just **** off and leave Jamie alone annoying as **** get the **** off her qoohme VanessaLamxx

Thanks babe, means heaps.. ❤️❤️

Jamiee.lee replied 3484 days ago

You should start learning some ****ing spelling because I'm sick of this **** anon. Just go home go bed. If you don't like her life then there's something wrong with yours.. :) Jamie your beautiful, don't listen the these jealous haters <3 A.N.

Thanks, don't think they jealous.. Just really hate me!!

Jamiee.lee replied 3484 days ago