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9 Replies

What are you tired of?

Fake friends, my best friend self harming and many more ?

Jamieson.lawlor replied 2968 days ago

What's the craziest rumor you've heard about yourself?

Um probably that apparently i have a squeaky voice but idrc bc they cant talk ??

Jamieson.lawlor replied 3014 days ago

What was the last movie you watched? What'd you think of it?

The fifth wave! It was really sad from my recommendation but yeh;)

Jamieson.lawlor replied 3017 days ago

If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Probably some trackies

Jamieson.lawlor replied 3038 days ago

What's the worst thing you've ever done?


Jamieson.lawlor replied 3260 days ago

What's missing in your life ?

A boy

Jamieson.lawlor replied 3264 days ago

Is your year going great ?

Yes yes it is... But I don't know you so ya

Jamieson.lawlor replied 3279 days ago

Rate yourself out of 10

0 I'm not that pretty jks

Jamieson.lawlor replied 3287 days ago

Dream Job ?


Jamieson.lawlor replied 3308 days ago