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I ant got one
Me mum because I didn't clean me room she flipped out
No idea I never get a lot of meaningful compliments so I can't rember the best one
Hmmmm This is a tough one I have a few friends that are girls so probs. Tess, Madi, Zara, Grace F and Beth I think that's all sorry if I forgot someone
Number 1. Thanks it's cool to hear you like my photos I geus u mean on Instagram Number 2. Sorry but I think you must be def to like my singing Number 3. And just from this message you sounds nice. (So I probs like you
F uck off you dic k head that is the fu cking oldest rumour going around. when I am at school people say I'm a good to shoes but then believe I would break the fuc king law just because some one said I did. Grow up u c unt
I get knocked down but I get up again
Sloths they get to sleep all day
I have no ****ing idea
My legs I could live with out them I think. Because I really need me arms to play guitar and take photos and I don't no any other body part to use
Yell WTF
I have 3 Jams Gary Rabblitt
How to tell if someone is a terrorist
Kombi van nt yet
ok cool
When my pineapple went moody
No. but I'm not saying it as in noooooo I hate guys. I mean I'm not gay but if someone is I supporet them
Who gives a F.uck
Only if it can have a pineapple noses
I want to become a photographer, a film maker or a chef
Mount Lilydale Mercy Collage
Thank thats good to hear. I've been thinking I might start it up again
Benito, Noah, Tess, Jess, Taryn, Brookley, Grace F, Jedd
Idk maybe 26 or something not to young but not when I'm 40 or over
I don't no what it's called and I don't cear
Your a fun and funny person
It isn't true I don't no y he said it and it has turned my life into a living hell. Everyday someone says something about it running my day. It herts to no what someone that I used to call a friend do to me I hope he nos what his done.
My best friends I have a lot
When they talk in third person
My older sister she is practaly a stranger to me
My pet dog Hugo and all my friends