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Jamie Prince


Ask me anything you like anonymously

38 Replies

Who would you take a bullet for?

ma' caaat

Jamsandwiches replied 3473 days ago

What is attractive about you?

I eat my dessert before my dinner.

Jamsandwiches replied 3475 days ago

Your biggest wish ?

To be motivated for year 12 so I achieve great things as the next Avatar.

Jamsandwiches replied 3480 days ago

Last time you cried?

I don't know, probably last week from stubbing my toe on the table.

Jamsandwiches replied 3688 days ago

What upsets you?

Stupid people.

Jamsandwiches replied 3696 days ago

What is your nickname?

Princey, w/e Mr. Bull calls me.

Jamsandwiches replied 3702 days ago

y is ur name jamsandwiches

Causwe I love jam sandwiches, duh.

Jamsandwiches replied 3703 days ago

How was teagan as a deb partner?

She was great! Althoough I couldn't have many expectations of her since I don't really know what to expect of a deb. I wish I could've done more after the formal dancing, but dance-phobia! :( I like watching more. She remembered the dance, looked pretty and didn't forget to come so that's all I could ask for. :)

Jamsandwiches replied 3703 days ago

Thing you are scared of most?

'don't say people don't say people don't say people' talking lol.

Jamsandwiches replied 3704 days ago

thing you are best at :

Analysing, procrastinating and not finishing my senten-

Jamsandwiches replied 3704 days ago

one place in the world you must see?

Reichstag Germany or the south pole.

Jamsandwiches replied 3704 days ago

do you think you have an addictive personality

In what sense? Others would copy a few antics of me? I suppose so, I'm quite unusual but I take that to heart. I could act so easily as something I'm not, but that's in the public. Meet me in person by myself when I'm comfortable and you'll see something special.

Jamsandwiches replied 3704 days ago

something you regret?

Not socialising and being incredibly an*** about self-image in the public annd private eye.

Jamsandwiches replied 3704 days ago

Do you like being a twin?

Imagine this, someone looks the same as you and behaves similar. #individualityhow2 you get the same crap and share things.

Jamsandwiches replied 3704 days ago

if you could have any tattoo what would it be and where?

Daffy duck shaving my pubes ofc. Yin-yang or some form of contemporary artwork that I might design in the future: on my chest, thigh or arm.

Jamsandwiches replied 3704 days ago