Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
And u r my only internet bff that I trust w my life ? you are always there for me no matter what.Youre kind and beautiful and ilysmmmmmm.Hope we’ll meet one day soon xx J
แงงง อยากกลับอยู่่่่ ???
Do she twerk with her back ?
Do she talk all that stuff ?
Do she look like a rat ?
Do she got no curves?
Do she dance like a worm ?
Is your girl b**tyyyy flat ?
Are you Harry Styles ?
U can.The question goes down to,can u drive without getting in an accident ? but I would recommend (highly) to either use to floo powder or just ride on a broomstick ?
Cheeer up!Just go look up Shawn Mendes’ photos.
Thanks I did !!!Im replying late lol
It was okay ig.Ofc I didn’t meet any good friends like you.I met better friends than you !!!bahhahah jk no one can replace you ??
I’m not lol but will be once I have to go to bed and get ready for school!!!!
Property of HarryStyles??
Yes !But i gotta admit sometimes I forgot to lol.
Mmmmm depends...if you’re the hot guy;yes.Not the hot guy;no.The one pranking me with this question ;Hi;)
Omg !!!If you’re Jan (quite positive u r lol) still ur fav movie ?
Adidas for sure
Do u happen to be Harry Styles ?
Why,thank you!!!And you can keep saying that again and again I don’t mind !!!
I want Harry Styles.
Okay and who might u be ???
Omg wow. well I'm flattered thank you !!!!
Omg thank you !!!!
Who dis??
Coz I want to✌️
Omg thank you !
Well indeed we're bffs !
No this my qoohme ?✌️
Damn that's saying a lot doesn't it lol
Like a marshmallow ❤️I will?
I'm a Buddhist and yes my grandma wanted change and be a Christian but my grandpa didn't want to.i believe in God but my religion doesn't believe in god.
Zara is my fav ! Also topshop,chaps ,jaspal,Lyn around ,H&m and u know just every brand possible I LOVE CLOTHES !!!
Hawtttttt coldddddd hot hot coldddddd
Thank boo
Harry Styles is my style ?
Awww tysm!
Thank you !!!
Thanks baby boo!!!
Thailand ❤️U?
Thanks mate
Um idk but ty for thinking I'm cute lol !
Instagram !!!!
The ones I like;)
AH now this hard .See it's continuing the story without one ,the story wouldn't be exactly complete.
I AM YOUR FATHER.I think that answered both of your questions ?
It's morning where I live now lol
Haven't had one yet.Still waiting for the one ?
Thanks girl! Or guy! Are u a girl or a guy ??
I am not Jesus so no I can't
I s*ck ice pops .???
Wahahhahahhaha and I can spoil u !!!!!!!!!
Yooooo wassupppppppppppp
No I don't have the question mark. I do not own one srry.
You Harry Styles?No?Then no.
Now why should I tell you ??
Sure if you have my number .
????I lick ice-cream if that's what you're wondering.
Whaaaaaatttt ??Who told you that ?
Do you happen to be Harry Styles ?
Does that matter???
I would wanna say the same but j don't know who u are?
Unless you're Harry Styles ,NO!
Shhhh!Don't tell anyone that !!!!! I'm trying to cover myself up!
Currently in a very perfect relationship with Harry Styles.?????Dating and married (!)
Who have I been replying to this entire time !??????
Um well yes ,ofc;)
Ummm not wassup...wasn'tsup?What do u expect me to reply?
I don't know what's the worst one tho probably the one I accidentally sent to a teacher that was meant to be sent to my friends.
Awww I love me too!!!!?I also love u !!!Whoever u are !
Hi how are u?How hi are u?How high are u?....u see that little joke right there?haha? I'm so lame lol.Im fine,thank you!Quite sleepy tho!