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Ask Me Anything.

37 Replies

What do you consider to the most valuable thing you own?

my fridge.

Jasmin123 replied 3927 days ago 1

3 things that attracts you to a person?

1- when they play with little kids and care about others 2- sporty 3- great personality

Jasmin123 replied 3963 days ago

Who's dating James schischka? Wasn't he dating Demi? I don't think he know which one of you Bit**es to go out with.

Demi and James broke up. And there fine now. James is allowed to do what he wants, and none of us are Bit**es Thankyou very much. Leave James alone! If he likes one of us he is allowed to if he doesn't like any of us that's fine. So yeah :)

Jasmin123 replied 3963 days ago 1

You're all f***wits. Jasmin is better than you all, so go step on Lego arsehole.
Love you Jas! Xx Georgiaedsallfrenchxo

ahahaha, awh. thankyou so much G! Love u hun! <3 xx hahahhaa :') LEGO!

Jasmin123 replied 3965 days ago

You are so ugly, don't try to be pretty because it's not going to work, my message isn't short enough so there is 2 parts

kill yourself nigga

Jasmin123 replied 3965 days ago

Part 2: your friends will always be prettier than you, like clordia and Brianna. They are so pretty and you are just this ugly f*** who has ugly a*s exma all over your body, you will NEVER be good enough for anyone. :)

it's funny how its Claudia* and i know those girls are prettier than me but do i give a f*** no i dont. :) and i actually have a bf thank you so yeah. u can shove your tiny little Dic* up your a*s.

Jasmin123 replied 3965 days ago 1

Haha nice xma excuse

haha. its not an excuse m8. :)

Jasmin123 replied 3965 days ago

How was the heat pack? Did that help? Nah cn you call home? Okay hi allyson jasmin is with me and she has period pains hahaa TylerAitken

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHHAHA OMFG :') :') oh gosh!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA it was so embarrassing ! :')

Jasmin123 replied 3966 days ago 1

How do you tell someone they have bad breath?

um, u tell them. u have bad breath.

Jasmin123 replied 3967 days ago

Thoughts on Gaby? Xx

She is FABULOUS! Xxx

Jasmin123 replied 3967 days ago

Thoughts on James b

HE'S A FGT!. Nah. He's such a great guy, so nice and caring he's a good soccer referee, we've had our ups and downs but we get over them pretty quickly, I can trust him with heaps of things. He's got a good sense of humour and yeah i could keep going but it would turn into a series of books, Oh and he has the WORST taste in music. :)

Jasmin123 replied 3967 days ago

dear haters on anon,
pls take your phone or laptop or whatever device you are on and shove it up ur a*s. quit giving jaz shi*. she is beautiful & has nothing wrong with her hair and skin. ily jazzy. you are fab. xxxx

Awh, Hahaha yes, yes they can defiantly shove there devices up there a*s, Thank you so much!!!. Ily too. xxxx

Jasmin123 replied 3968 days ago

tbh go f*** your selves and stop hating on jasmin she is the most beautiful person ever and she has the best personality! you all need to grow up.
Bit**es be jelly jazy.
love you always and forever~ brianna <3 xxxxxxx Briannagrace

Awh hahaha u tell'em girl, But Awh Thankyou Brianna. You're Beautiful missy moo!!!! xxxxxx I Love To Death. <3

Jasmin123 replied 3968 days ago

Who was the last boy you inboxed?

James Broughton.

Jasmin123 replied 3968 days ago

Omg you are so annoying and you have pimples all over your face, arms and legs! Omg and your arm hairs are black and your hair is all burnt and crisped and it looks like you purposely try to make it look bad. the new guy is not going to like someone like you.

For 1. It's not pimples It's called x-ma 2. I don't even like the new guy and don't be rude his name is Kye?. 3. My Hair is not burnt. 3. You're annoying too. 4. Kindly go f*** yourself.

Jasmin123 replied 3968 days ago