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Amuse me, abuse me, accuse me

43 Replies

And why would I leave you alone? You don't deserve to be happy. You don't even deserve to be breathing. Seriously you don't understand how happy I'd be if you weren't here anymore. Fûck just DIE cûnt no one wants you here.


Jasmine.youngxx replied 3279 days ago

Because your a fat ugly worthless sluut. Get the fûck outta tumba and go back to where you come from no one wants you here. Better yet just go kill yourself no one would care anyway!

Go away!! Seriously leave me alone.

Jasmine.youngxx replied 3279 days ago

You know Brodie never liked you right? He always use to winge to everyone that he didn't want you. Your better off dead. Sluut go slit your wrists again. I know you tried to kill yourself go do it again but make sure you succeed this time.

Why don't you just leave me alone?!

Jasmine.youngxx replied 3279 days ago

The haters can fùck off, you're beautiful. They are probably only hating on you because you are above them. I am here, if you need anyone. yamumbuddyf

Thank you

Jasmine.youngxx replied 3280 days ago 1

Do you know how many people would be happy if you just go kill yourself. Haha ugly biatch why are you still here you know no one cares.

That's why I womy my be here much longer..

Jasmine.youngxx replied 3475 days ago

****tttt Jaiden doesn't even like you.. Why would some one like him like an ugly sluut like you.


Jasmine.youngxx replied 3475 days ago

Your an ugly cuunt no one likes you so why are you still here?! Do us all a favour and just kill yourself.

I'm honestly soo sick of this. Maybe I will aye.

Jasmine.youngxx replied 3475 days ago

Go tie the rope already no one will care

Maybe I will

Jasmine.youngxx replied 3475 days ago

Get this in your head Sluut, no one likes you! Your fat your ugly and most of all your worthless got kill yourself. Atleast then everyone will be happy


Jasmine.youngxx replied 3475 days ago

Thoughts on Bailey shepherd?

He's pathetic. Ha

Jasmine.youngxx replied 3550 days ago 2

thourts on..
Iesha austin
Azzyra matthews
Jen parry
Talisha noy

Iesha, we used to be close and like sisters but idek anymore. Azzrya, she's absolutely stunning but I think she hates me. She doesn't deserve all the shif she gets. Jen, **** where do u start? We started off with a rough start but we're like sister I love her to bits she's my world best friends forever Talisha. All I can say is she's my world

Jasmine.youngxx replied 3554 days ago 1

Biggest regret?

Tonight is my biggest regret.

Jasmine.youngxx replied 3555 days ago

Just go tie the rope already. Fat *****.

Trust me I'm thinking about it.

Jasmine.youngxx replied 3560 days ago

Hey Jas ily <3 btw you have the best as*!

Who's this??

Jasmine.youngxx replied 3560 days ago

Come to school little girl other wise i will bash ya - Zoe wilton xx

We'll see xx

Jasmine.youngxx replied 3561 days ago