Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Who is bieber?.... Jk jk But serioisly, nobody cares
Up until now?
A boat
Thats a but private to put here for anyone to see... But you can kik me if you want :)
I was in the hunger games
Don't- ed sheeran
You. Jokes, im not sure who you are
I think is trying to decide who to rob first
No idea, any suggestions?
Whenever it feels right
Hopefully not in a cardboard box..
Coming back- dean ray
I swear these questions are getting worse
It's on silent, I've never heard the ringtone!
That's a terrible question!
Funny, smart and... Hot...
My horse...
Do I get a say in it?
Yep lol
No I'm not Rachel- you are a **** :)
****! When did that happen?
Well I'm not...
Kik me jazz I've got no idea what you are talking about
Wow, we'll your a ***** aren't you? I hope you realise how lucky you are that those girls are too nice to get revenge on you. Oh and by the way your hate page was laughable, it was pathetic because you're a crap rider and a crap person and you have no idea what you're talking about. Mango isn't ugly, Darcy isn't fat and maddy is absolutely not going to crush bailey. You seriously need to get your jealously under control- you're embarrassing yourself
Kassie! : D
Those who are trustworthy
I wouldn't because I don't know how to give CPR and would want to accidentally make it worse
Anyone who wants to get to know me!
Stalker much...
That's cute. Although also a little creepy...
They know who they are
Well a lot of people think I'm full of myself because I don't talk a lot- I promise I'm not I'm just shy :)
I can't even remember, I probably lie to much then...
What are you talking about?
The type with wheels
Hello :) Who are you?;)
What stuff? Kik meee
Hahaha he's just this guy I was in grade three with
Did ask me if I WAS first..
You just won't give up will you?
Kik me jasmine.evelyn
Hmm, I wonder who asked this question... :)
Get over it
Lol the s**y side
I know babe
Why don't you ask him?
Winners and losers
I ride her and I felt safe whereas the other horses I tried it felt like their aim in life was to get me off- and they did :')
Why are you telling me?!
Yes But do you mean boyfriend or best friend lol
Haha- who do you think it was then?!
My year level, what year level are you in then? Kik me: jasmine.evelyn
Hahahaha : )
Big ego
I really hope I know you...
When people think that twins like to dress the same
1? 2? 3? 4? 5?
Sorry, I'm not a dog I'm a pineapple.
Hi kassie!!!!!