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I travel way too much and the school was complaining so I left and started home-schooling
btch you need glasses, I don't even wear makeup and where did you see me with makeup???
India in August✈️
You'll know soon❤️
Im stubborn, sometimes annoying, dont listen
Because that's what people look for these days ??
Eyebrows and hair are intelligence so why would I take the pill?
Eat a whole box of Rice Krispies??
I haven't been discovered yet?
You're clearly an A$$hole
Denzel why dont you ask her on facebook yourself
White or black Lamboghini
Dm me I don't know what you are asking me
I know this is you Denzel, sometimes people go on holiday to get away from being crowded and have some space once in a while. Im not being mean or rude but you shouldn't go places when you weren't invited. (Hotel room)
What do you mean "like"
Yea they were awesome
You jk, my parents
My sister
The day we were leaving for camp and i came late and the bus left so i had to drive in the principles car to a gas station where the bus was was waiting for us???
When i was stuck upside down on a monkey bar and couldn't get off???
When i was stuck upside down on a monkey bar???
A hoverboard
Amiraaaa, love her lots❤️
That there is no food in the fridge???
The Vampire Diaries