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go back and see my second family :'(
lol idk
Awh lk
You don't think I know this
Lol nothing but how my family used to be
probably just Daniel, Paris, Brooklyn and Jessica
a lot probably, maybe jst Daniel idk I don't count
fkn mke then be more fab like me, haha nah they are good how they are
shes nice but we don't really talk a lot anymore
When people smell bad or try to hard
lol thxs
Sweet girl, glad we are talking again and miss her x
who hasn't?
marine biologist or marine veterinarian
someone sweet and funny, someone who is a gentleman around me and his/my friends. Someone who is sensitive and will put me before their self. So yeah Daniel :* xox
such a pretty girl and I miss being close! :( But she has the sweetest and bubbliest personality and I just love her xo
Probably, Brooklyn, paris, jess, Daniel, Nathan and calen even though that's six idc idk if I forgot anyone but im sorry if I did
In a house
Awh Lachlan! Your such a nice guy and so easy to get along with! But we don't really talk anymore ):
Some frog song
Life if a cynt unless you go backwards
Wats lyfe
buying me presants
I dont know
Yeah but I had a shower instead?
Their mind, personality and heart. Sounds gay but Idc
Awh kkk
Yes because every life is valuable, dosnt matter who you are what you look like or where they live.
I dont know
I told mum we caught more fish then we did but it was more of a joke because I told her straight after i dont know
If you made the world then who made you
My family or fish or dog or i dont know
love you xoxo
poker face
idk why but this reminded me of mr crabs
yes but I didn't wanna get them
ily a milly billy trilly kill qilly willy eilly rill tilly yilly uilly illy olllyollly lyyyyyp
pickle, mickle, mic, mac, sleep
fek I don't want mono
no anon staph before you drop
hella yah
btt ya grab wanna
awh cute!
Is this any of you business?
be angry
Some one cool
Daniel, Brooklyn, paris, Jessica I really feel like I missed someone but yeah
Daniel, Brooklyn, paris, Jessica and who ever els I forgot
Bad personality, bad teeth and is they smell bad
idk tbh
You seem like such a nice girl! Your so pretty and I would like to get closer! xo
but mate :(