What's your bra size
Seriously :/
Do you like school lol
:/ seriously.. No
Are you single?
Yes I am? :)
I'm a motherf***ing bird... B money in da house nigga
Hahaha ooookay :P weirdo
And if I contacted you personally?
Then I'd answer you*
Can't u answer any questions?
Uh yes I can?? But some things are personal? And don't want to share it with the whole world so yeah..
Honestly how many guys have you kissed?
That honestly is none of your business, sorry*
Do ur fingers do anything other than point? Do u love them
Excuse me??? :/
I can't tell you who I am. I'll be in a lot of trouble
What do youu mean??:)
What's your bra size? XD
Haha :P can't tell youu that sorry *
But I'm not a random guy. But I do want to kiss you
Oh youu do hey?? Well who are youu??
Would u kiss a random hot guy??
I don't know.. I don't kiss strangers thank youu..
Have you ever done something you weren't supposed to?
Obviously haha:)
Hehe my name starts with a B... and ends with a ...don... Hehe what do you think of me??=P
Hehe :) I think your awesome :) xx
Have you ever kissed anyone?? :P x
What do youu think?? :)
why are you Soo awesome!! :)
Hehe I'm not awesome but I bet youu are :P :)xx
Do you like someone at this stage in your life? If yes, who?
Yes I do :) but that's kinda personal..* sorry xx
So when do we f***
Really :/ ... No comment
Do you prefer to date someone younger or older than you?
I prefer older guys :)
A coloured dudes asking...and aren't you suppose to answer the question? Not ask the!
Haha pffft rude much :/ I'm not sure*..
Do u love a gut called marco
Haha ofcourse I love youu marco :P :)*
Do u like v*****??
:/ what do you think??
Would you ever date a coloured guy???
I don't know* Who's asking??
I think your cute :p
Youu do?? :| I think your crazy :P x
Do you have a boyfriend? ;)
Maybe.. maybe not** :P
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
All of them aren't true,all lies haha :/
Why are you soo weird?
Cause I can be ((: weird is a good thing,I'd rather be weird than normal*
What is ur favorite word
Haha mofo :D
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Sensative, sweet :) and caring.. I think :P