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Prob take their pain away
hmm... losing my boy
Fat pants!!
Haha never!!
Hmm this week.... Hmm... Prob would have to be "burn" by usher lol.... I know an oldie but a goodie lol
Most unreliable person?? Hmmm possibly the father of my child lol
My smile....
Alot of things lol
I have 3 Amanda, Bec & Mon
Pushing away the people who matter to me the most :'(
Havnt really thought about it lol
Pain any sort of pain
loosing Shannon
Dont think i know any1 boring lol
i havnt really watched any so far :(
My son Jaydyn
Any day as long as it's with my son :P
Mm 1st person I dated?? Ehh Nathan??
There's someone I guess. . . No names tho :p
theres a lot of thing :(