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Jaymie plas


Entertain me .xox.

392 Replies

Why must the strikers take all the balls

Cause the more balls the better

Jaymiep replied 3539 days ago

What do you want right now ?

Triple choco caramel swirl ice cream, subway cookies, nuggets and cuddles and maybe back tickles.

Jaymiep replied 3541 days ago

Thoughts on Sam Goyne


Jaymiep replied 3541 days ago

You are cute

Am i cute.

Jaymiep replied 3541 days ago


Yeah girl need to have a big catch up with you and all the girls.

Jaymiep replied 3541 days ago

dont think of amy as a close friens ?

Awww YES amy girl.

Jaymiep replied 3541 days ago

Which movie s*cked for you this year ?

Ummmmm yep.

Jaymiep replied 3542 days ago

You and Brock look like twins!

I hate you.

Jaymiep replied 3542 days ago

Why do you hate Brock so much?

Seriously your going to ask that...

Jaymiep replied 3542 days ago

Closest girl friends?

Umm yep good question.

Jaymiep replied 3542 days ago

Best song you've heard this week ?

The time warp of rocky horror #myjam

Jaymiep replied 3776 days ago 1

To the ladies: your type of guy?

My guys pretty perfect now, I'll just keep this one.

Jaymiep replied 3791 days ago

Honey get over yourself. You may think they're stuck up trolls who made you be the outsider but if no effort was made from you why should they have to make any with you.
Ps. Thanks the warning about this pathetic state, I'll be sure to take in on board.

Aww honey I have had interest in putting my time and enough into people that are so two faced, especially when then have a go at me when I'm cheering for my friends that were playing for another state. Not my fault we lost that game cause yous took on the whole opposition. Hockeys a team sport lovey which means you use every player on the field not just 5. Your very welcome.

Jaymiep replied 3798 days ago

Just thought I'd let you know those 'Melbourne skanks' are some of the nicest people I know. You spent one week with them who are you to judge or call them 'gutter rats'
By you saying that makes you in no way better than the rest of them.

Do you seriously have nothing better to do with your sad life then to bring something that happened a year ago. There's nothing nice to say about them girls. Not all of then are bad just the ones that thought they knew everything and kept putting people down, you call them nice people well you mustn't be a very likeable person.

Jaymiep replied 3798 days ago

Who is this 'stuck up troll' you talk about?

They're all stuck up trolls

Jaymiep replied 3799 days ago 1