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Jayson Riley!


Hi there :D

98 Replies

Who's da 3

What ?

JaysonRiley replied 4091 days ago

Who's yr best guy fwend

ι Have 3 :)

JaysonRiley replied 4092 days ago

2 minute Tantram I get when I lose on Fifa.
And you just tease me bye Saying “Calma”3-|=D Fernindes

And tнεn You Tune me ι s*ck at Fifa .-. ;)..No  =D

JaysonRiley replied 4092 days ago

Riley B-)♥.
Our DMC's About Beds And Pillows x_x.
Only Us ;).
Love You as*hole ♥.

Hahaha That Was a Strange Dmc .-. Only us ;)=D Love You ;)♥

JaysonRiley replied 4093 days ago

Loooooser You Totally s*ck & I'm Totally Blind:D
Whatever Bye:D
Pleasure For Thee Pathetic KaYz_

Yes :|=D

JaysonRiley replied 4093 days ago


Thanks ;)=D

JaysonRiley replied 4093 days ago

Its ur maths buddy :D
Ready 2 chow down cholate in afr...;)
When we get paper 2 back=D

Hahaha Yes;)

JaysonRiley replied 4096 days ago

Yes :D ppl can think what they thinkl about me but F*** them its reality and they just F*** jelouse of me

Totally ;)

JaysonRiley replied 4096 days ago

To that other person who said u were a nice boy * will they wrong uv only become a much nicer person :D(y) and friendlier 2

What:| ? Thanks =D

JaysonRiley replied 4096 days ago

shi*face ;)
Love you shwaaaady <3

Love You <3;);)

JaysonRiley replied 4096 days ago

You such a G ;)
Don't you think Kirsten Whitehead's like "totes" amazing? ;D
Hope you growing short shi*. Love yoou freeaak ;)<3

Totes Amazing ;) Love You ;)<3

JaysonRiley replied 4096 days ago

I'm so obsessed with you :O


JaysonRiley replied 4096 days ago

I feel like eating chicken..

Well.-. Enjoy.-.

JaysonRiley replied 4096 days ago



(•_•) | / / Mkay.

JaysonRiley replied 4096 days ago

I'm trying to download this song but it won't work :( would you please download it for me? It goes like this:
"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are.."
That's only the begining. Its such an amazing song. Please?
Thanks :D!

No:| Shut up. :|

JaysonRiley replied 4096 days ago