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She is AMAZING!! Love ya xxx
Why don't you inbox me and we can play some more truth or dare!!
Sammy is my bae!!!! She is an amazing girl and I love her heaps!!! Xxxx
For me to know and for my lover to find out!!
She's a cool chick! Pretty!! And has a very weed but good personality!
For me to know....for you to find out
I don't know! I want it to be soon though!!! I have had no luck!
Jorja! She's a pisser! She might hate me but u fkn love her! She cracks me up!
Amazing girl! Really pretty!! You have an amazing personality and I love talking to you! X
She's my niggs! She's an amazing girl and great to be around! X
Has a choice for what?
Britt's a great girl! She does pick fights with me a lot! And we have drifted partly because she doesn't hangout with me any more!
Tayla is a good person! LOUD but with a wired but good personality Tahlia is very nice, quiet and short!
Good old trackies
Never actually spoke to her, but she seems like a really nice girl!
I have no clue!! I know a dozen Tayla's!!
As a friend! YES!
Hahahs yes I am!!
Even though he knows how to hit the right buttons... There are times when I think his a sick **** and others where he annoys me
There could be a high chance that I do! But she's a great friend! So either way!
With a guess of who this is!! Yes definitely!!
I think she's a great girl! Although we don't talk much x