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Ask me ****!

312 Replies

What is your nickname ?

Spazo according to Dylan

Jazzmen replied 3423 days ago 1

What is your biggest success up until now?

Getting the boy I love!

Jazzmen replied 3456 days ago 1

What's the initials of the person u like


Jazzmen replied 3460 days ago 1

If money was no object, what would you do all day?

Be with my boy all the time

Jazzmen replied 3461 days ago 1

Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?

My boy!

Jazzmen replied 3463 days ago 1

Wasn't he like one of your best mates


Jazzmen replied 3506 days ago

Why not, you miss him

Well I really don't

Jazzmen replied 3506 days ago

Text him then


Jazzmen replied 3507 days ago

Do you still text him

No don't even talk to him at all and don't even make eye contact

Jazzmen replied 3507 days ago

I wouldn't say that

Clearly does

Jazzmen replied 3508 days ago

Thoughts on Jordy Whitefield

Hates me

Jazzmen replied 3509 days ago

u do no tarco is flirtin wif 10 other girls while he says he loves u n ****t

It's not like me and him have a thing or anything! It's up too him if he flirts with 10 girls, me and him are just friends

Jazzmen replied 3528 days ago


Jacob chahine, Layla, char, Alana, tarco and many more

Jazzmen replied 3529 days ago 1

Thoughts xxx D.eactivated

Oh baby where do I start! When you first came to salesian I was like holy **** she's stunning I'm never gunna become friends with her! But I guess I thought wrong, we've become friends and I have enjoyed every moment being with you! You have a gorgeous smile, your stunning, always there for me, kind, your so strong, your truly amazing! We have had some pretty good memories together so far, hopefully more to come! We have our little crying room, where we let everything out! I'm so glad I met you chels your amazing! Hopefully we become closer as the years go on! Keep smiling bby love you xxx

Jazzmen replied 3529 days ago 1

Thoughts!? xx Lachlan.tarczon

My best mate, great guy, we get along really well, always there for each other, amazing smile, hot as, best body, always having a laugh together, had heaps of great memories and hopefully more to come, we've had our ups and downs but we always push through together and always by each others side, would be lost with out ya, you always no how to make me happy! I love to forever and always.

Jazzmen replied 3529 days ago 1