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7 Replies

Do u really hate Ciara?

No. But she hates me. I'm just being strong. And showing her u don't care.

JennaBruh replied 3131 days ago

Why do you hate Ciara so much?? erinl.x

I made one stupid mistake and she stops talking to me. I thought she stole my boyfriend but she didn't and it was a misunderstanding. I miss her, I really do. But she fails to understand that. She think im bad news for her. Yes I smoke. Yes u drink. But can't she still be my friend? And also.. U got caught and blamed her and her friends. They all hate me.

JennaBruh replied 3131 days ago

**** much? Lukebez

fck u

JennaBruh replied 3131 days ago 1

What is one thing you wish everyone knew about you?

Ciara.. I hate her

JennaBruh replied 3131 days ago

A musician you hate ?

Ed Sheeran

JennaBruh replied 3154 days ago

What is your greatest regret ?

Saying bye.Not knowing it would be the last.

JennaBruh replied 3154 days ago

Who would you take a bullet for ?

my best friend

JennaBruh replied 3154 days ago