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Urhm , no ?????
Urhm , no ?????
Thank you xx
And sure , it's @itss_jenna_hopley
That's so sweet ?? thank you . Dm me ??
not having my bestfriend with me
Thank you sm❤❤
If you dm me , then sure :)
I recently stopped talking to someone , I used to talk to everyday .
But why can't I hou me uit ? :(
Perhaps like jenna hopley ?
I'm really in no position to give advice ..
But don't leave something good for something better . Because once you realize you had the best. The best has found better . Choose history over mystery , unless you think this other guy is worth losing your bf over.
Don't really know em yet
Nope , have you ?
Thank you :)x
It's *tyla & *emelio . And you can ask her ?
Who's this ???
Thank you xx
working on it .
Misha Curnow
Yes I do !!
Even though I saw her yesterday ..
the one that knows me the best
*blankenberg , and yes I did.
what's not to love ?
Urhm , that's old stuff.
Beautiful !!
We're old friends
What about us ? ??
Melody( for reasons??) -- If it's a girl x
Choose people that choose you x
Dumb A$$
Keep him kwaii
But hes okay I guess ??❤
The future is still far ☺☺ .
Drawing && writing .
Or eating and watching movies whole day. Depends on the day lol .
Hoerskool swartland .
Anyone I love ?❣
Annoying ?
beautiful ?
smart ?
amazing in every way ?
Maybe a lawyer or writer . Not sure yet ☺